Useful CPAN Modules
I have recently installed perl-5.16.0 using perlbrew and have begun adding CPAN modules. Here is some of them that I find most useful. Would you add any to the list?
- List::MoreUtils
- Readonly
- Regexp::Common
- Data::Alias
- Text::CSV
- Text::CSV_XS
I wouldn't have Readonly on that list. Use something like Const::Fast instead. I did a review of modules for defining constants, which explains why:
I'd add DBI and the template toolkit to the list.
App::cpanminus - simplified installer
DateTime - comprehensive date/time module
IPC::Run3 - instead of "system" or backticks
DBI/DBD::SQLite - for simple databases
JSON::XS - much faster JSON
Template - reliable, documented templating system
Just cpanminus :)
Dist::Zilla (Complicated, but worth the learning curve if you write a fair amount of modules. I'm still a n00b with it, and I'm already finding it to be far superior to Module::Starter)
Catalyst and/or Dancer and/or Mojolicious (if you do web development)
Chart::Clicker (Also a bit of a learning curve involved, but I've come to prefer it over R's graphs)
Task::Kensho is one of the first things I install - it pulls in lots of useful modules.