December 2012 Archives


OK, so I decided to hack in support for submitting CPAN testers reports into cpanminus. I've uploaded the result to CPAN in case anybody else wants to use it. After CPANPLUS and cpanminus, the logical name for it was cpantimes.

Here's how to use it...

Moo, how do you annoy me? Let me count the ways...

OK, Moo is actually a rather nice little OO framework. It's inspired by Moose but not a clone of it.

When Moo detects Moose has been loaded, it "inflates" all Moo classes and roles into Moose classes and roles, so Moo code integrates with Moose code perfectly. Because of this, and Moo's very light memory and CPU footprint, many Moose-based projects are migrating to Moo. High profile migrations include ="…

About Toby Inkster

user-pic I'm tobyink on CPAN, IRC and PerlMonks.