Planet Moose - November 2013
Welcome to Planet Moose, a brief write up on what's been happening in the world of Moose in the past month, for the benefit of those of you who don't have their eyes permanently glued to the #moose IRC channel, or the MetaCPAN recent uploads page.
If you'd like to contribute some news for next month's issue, you can do so on the wiki.
Mouse 2.0.0
Mouse has rolled over to 2.0.0, and now 2.1.0. 2.0.0 introduced a potentially backwards-incompatible change with regards to role composition, and 2.1.0 drops support for Perl 5.6.x.
vti has created a mop extension for method contracts and written about it. This is somewhat more sophisticated than his earlier contract implementation Attribute::Contract as it cleverly respects inheritance and ensures that the contracts specified by subclasses are consistent with those of their superclasses.
Ovid has ported Test::Class to mop, and has also written about it... twice!
Finally, Thomas Klausner has explained his MOPfuscation.
In other news...
- Sillymoose asks the difference between roles and inheritance.
- The dance to update modules to avoid the deprecations warnings in Moose 2.11xx continues, with new releases of MooseX::Traits, MooseX::Types::Structured, Bread::Board, Data::Serializable, and XML::Rabbit, amongst others.
- I've announced Kavorka, which is yet another method signatures implementation, suffering from featuritis and an addiction to speed.
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