Because CPAN Needs More Templating Modules
Why learn a whole new language for templating when you already know a perfectly good one? This isn't the first module that allows you to embed Perl in your templates, but it's yet another one.
Why learn a whole new language for templating when you already know a perfectly good one? This isn't the first module that allows you to embed Perl in your templates, but it's yet another one.
I like it since I'm a fan of strongly typed interfaces for the template. I'd love to take it even further, like the template is a subclass of Template::Compiled::Class and the class attributes and methods are exposed to the template like
package MyApp::Template::User;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard -types;
extends 'Template::Compiled::Class';
has [qw/name age/] => (is=>'ro', required=>1, isa=>Str);
sub days_since_birth { DateTime->now - $self->age }
sub template {
"Hi its been days
since you were born!";
Sadly I think BPO ate some significant parts of your template in the comment.