Class open for registration: Starting off correctly (CPAN, modules, and testing)

Intro to Moose talk now open for registration!

Registration for the Intro to Moose training session on Thursday is now available. This is an excellent class if you are just starting out with Moose. It covers the fundamentals well and the exercises are brilliant. It is highly recommended.

The class description is available in the schedule.

Room update

We're currently working with the resort to resolve the issue of booking rooms. We've made contact with them and their advice is to call 800-733-3211 to reach in-house reservations or to leave voicemail messages, or email reservation inquiries to Further, waiting until next Tuesday when the resort can reassess the inventory might be the best course of action.

Schedule finalized, early bird registration ending

Hey, folks. Thank you all for submitting so many excellent talks and making our lives difficult regarding choosing which to accept! Our main schedule is rather finalized now, any cancellations notwithstanding. That said, we still need lightning talks!

In addition, I would like to remind everyone that early bird registration closes at 23:59:59 EST5EDT on 2011-05-06. So register now if you want that low rate!

Third round of YAPC::NA::2011 talks accepted!

We've just accepted our third round of talks for YAPC::NA::2011 in Asheville, NC! As always, just because your talk has not been accepted yet it does not mean that it will not be.

This also marks the last of our early acceptances. You now have just seven days to submit a talk for YAPC::NA::2011. We have roughly half of the talks we need, so please start submitting everything you can think of (toss rubber band airplanes around an auditorium, tell tales of undead email messages haunting your family, anything!).