I try to use PDL::Stats, but Test failed.
I try to use PDL::Stats, but Test failed.
Reason is maybe same as the following
I got the same error. Because I prefer looking at the static version of cpantesters, I went to
and noticed that the tests were all passing in the latest "developer release". Anyway, the bug seems to be fixed in the developer version. Try this:
wget http://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/M/MA/MAGGIEXYZ/PDL-Stats-0.6.4_1.tar.gz
cpanm PDL-Stats-0.6.4_1.tar.gz
I got it to install.
PDL just released a new version that is not binary compatible with older PDLs. I suspect that Maggie hasn't uploaded the latest outside of a dev release. I also need to update PDL::Drawing::Prima for the new version of PDL.
Does Ben's suggestion work?
thanks, I will try new PDL-Stats 0.6.4_1.