I found the site that Japanese hackers is introduced by English. This will help to know what Japanese hacker think.
I found the site that Japanese hackers is introduced by English. This will help to know what Japanese hacker think.
In Delicious, I start to inform translation of Perl Tutorial by Code Examples. You can know the post of my transation.
Middleman is ruby web framework to makes developing stand-alone websites simple.
If you want middleman in Perl, you try the following way.
Mojolicious + Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoRoute
use Mojolicious::Lite;plugin 'AutoRoute';
You can place template file into auto directory.
PDL become to be able to output png format in Windows Active Perl ppm.
ppm install http://www.sisyphusion.tk/ppm_alt/PDL-Graphics-PLplot_alt.ppd --force
Note that you must set PLPLOT_LIB and PLPLOT_DRV_DIR environment variable.
I enjoy to output png files.
The following links are Japanese site links, but you maybe read source codes and graphs.
I am using PDL. I become to know PDL can write clean code than I had expected. PDL::Lite, NiceSlice and OO interface is good.
PDL have PDL::Lite module. This module don't import any functions to current name space. and piddle(PDL varialbe) can call many function as method call.
The following are example codes.
use strict; use warnings;use PDL::Lite;
use PDL::NiceSlice;# Create data
my $nums = pdl [2, 4, 7];# Output data
print $nums->at(0) . "\n";
print $nums->at(1) . "\n";# Get PDL varaible
my $pdl_first…
I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.