I want to display NA instead of UNKKONW in CPAN Testers
I want to display NA instead of UNKKONW in CPAN Testers.
If you konw the way, please tell me it.
I want to display NA instead of UNKKONW in CPAN Testers.
If you konw the way, please tell me it.
I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.
Is this because your module doesn't work on a particular OS? If so, use Devel::AssertOS.
If your module doesn't work on older versions of Perl, put "use 5.010;" or similar in your module.
Both of these result in your module die'ing with a message that is recognised by CPAN Testers, resulting in an "NA".
More info can be found in the CPAN Authors Wiki: http://cpanwiki.grango.org/wiki/CPANAuthorNotes
thank you for information!
I will check it.
If die in BEGIN block, cpan testers result become NA?
die "Error";
Die inside your Makefile, doesn't have to be in a BEGIN block. For example if I wanted a module only to work for macOS then:
die "OS unsupported" unless $^O eq 'darwin';
Then decides to look at your link - Argument "8.0_beta" isn't numeric in numeric lt (
> die "OS unsupported" unless $^O eq 'darwin';
Currently, I do like this. CPAN testers report is UNKNOWN.
I want NA.
Only this exact message is recognized as NA. die "OS unsupported\n" Arbitrary error messages will result in UNKNOWN.
My case is that support only 64bit interger Perl and NetBSD 7+.
# SPVM only support 64bit integer Perl
my $ivsize = $Config{ivsize};
if ($ivsize die "SPVM don't support the Perl which \"ivsize\" is lower than 8";
# SPVM only support NetBSD 7+
if ($Config{osname} eq 'netbsd' && $Config{osvers} die "SPVM don't support NetBSD 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1";
In this case, I get NA