I try match syntax using Syntax::Keyword::Match

Syntax::Keyword::Match is a module to enable match syntax in the current Perl by Paul Evans who is one of the current Perl Steering Councils. See perlgov about the Perl Steering Council.

Syntax::Keyword::Match Examples

Syntax::Keyword::Match Examples

Number matching

Number matching. Match syntax is similar as a switch syntax of C language.

use v5.14;
use warnings;

use Syntax::Keyword::Match;

my $n = 4;

match($n : ==) {
case(1) { say "It's one" }
case(2) { say "It's two" }
case(3) { say "It's three" }
case(5) {
say "It's four or five"
default { say "It's something else" }


It's four or five

Compared to current Perl, it is shorter and can be written without duplication.

use v5.14;
use warnings;

my $n = 4;

if ($n == 1) {
say "It's one";
elsif ($n == 2) {
say "It's two";
elsif ($n == 3) {
say "It's three";
elsif ($n == 4 || $n == 5) {
say "It's four or five";
else {
say "It's something else";

For integers, performance optimization may also be possible using a jump table or a binary tree.

String matching

String matching. Match syntax has also string matching.

use v5.14;
use warnings;

use Syntax::Keyword::Match;

my $n = 'a4';

match($n : eq) {
case('a1') { say "It's one" }
case('a2') { say "It's two" }
case('a3') { say "It's three" }
case('a5') {
say "It's four or five"
default { say "It's something else" }


It's four or five

Regex matching

Regex matching. Match syntax has also regex matching.

use v5.14;
use warnings;

use Syntax::Keyword::Match;

my $n = 'a4bbbb';

match($n : =~) {
case(/a1/) { say "It's one" }
case(/a2/) { say "It's two" }
case(/a3/) { say "It's three" }
case(/a5/) {
say "It's four or five"
default { say "It's something else" }


It's four or five

What I feel using Syntax::Keyword::Match

Personally, I feel number, string, regex matching is enough completed at production level(although Paul said it isn't enough yet).

I'm looking forward to match syntax.


Is this mean we will discard now experimental switch sytax?
this looks like useful, thank you:)

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About Yuki Kimoto

user-pic I'm Perl Programmer. I LOVE Perl. I want to contribute Perl community and Perl users.