
  • Commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements
    It's wonderful seeing a p5-mop becoming a reality feature by feature. Who needs reality tv? :)...
  • Commented on A perl of your own
    Never heard of "use true". Thx. The idea looks interesting. To nitpick: there are a lot of (potentially well written) admin/devops-code there that does not have a proper cpan project structure. It may be bad, but it's certainly a real...
  • Commented on A perl of your own
    Funny on how the comment system ate my java generic example :) Imagine a "String, String" with less and more than on both sides of the statement :)...
  • Commented on A perl of your own
    Matt, 1. Do you plan to add support for boilerplate besides "use"? E.g. the "1" at the end of all pm files and "__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;" as often the sane default in Moose? 2. I understand and applaud your effort to sidestep...
  • Commented on Names and Numbers, Brand and Identity
    Pumpkin Perl won't solve the problems Stevan want to fix. But more importantly, Pumpkin Perl won't be an obstacle to the solution he's prototypinh *and* it will give Perl 5 the growing space it needs until Moe or whatever revision...
  • Commented on Perl 7 - Final Thoughts
    One one hand, I perfectly understand the problem of Perl being stuck without a numerical version update for ever: being stuck on 5 whatever advancements the language has made. On the other, I also perfectly understand that going straight from...
  • Commented on A perl devops mailing list
    I had never rexify before this post. Thanks. I am sure a mailing-list and/or a blog-planet about perl devops could potentially interest many people. C....
  • Commented on First Post
    With all you've been up to, it surely sounds like a teaser :) Keep up the good work, Liz. Claudio...
  • Commented on Solaris build problems... help?
    Hi Reini, Alberto, I am the bugreporter of the Solaris Perl build problems: I am setting up a Solaris Perl testing farms thanks to the nice people of OpenCSW. Because of lack of time I haven't touched it in...
  • Commented on Perl 5.12.4-RC1 is now available
    It builds and tests just fine on Solaris 10 (64-bit, threaded). After the broken 5.14.0 release on Solaris ( I plan to more rc testing :). C....
  • Commented on Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
    OO in core (Moose or something similar instead of boilerplate). Better threading. Better deployment tools (compiler, native jar-like packaging, etc). pp is too slow on Solaris. Runner up: - Exceptions...
  • Commented on What should be core in Perl 5.16?
    For core, I think we should really concentrate on the stuff that is hurting Perl: - OO. The boilerplate and the verbosity needed to write OO with bless feels not really Perl. => Moose. - Exception handling. => Try::Tiny -...
  • Commented on Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
    Alex, no problem. Use the picture....
  • Commented on Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
    I haven't yet published my FOSDEM report and pictures, but here you are: :)...
  • Commented on Introduction to wirting readable and maintainable Perl
    I was at your talk and it was very good. I enjoyed it. I even asked you a pesky question :). C....
  • Commented on ARM
    Hi acme, The music player in my living room has an ARM cpu, runs GNU/Linux and the main functionality of the box is based on a fairly recent Perl (5.10). How cool is that? I blogged last month about it:...
  • Commented on What are your environment settings for Unicode?
    I don't remember setting up anything on Ubuntu 10.10 (and a lot of previous releases). It works out of the box: claudio@adelaide:/etc$ env |grep ^L[CAE] LANG=en_US.utf8 LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s...
  • Commented on Lichtkind: 2010 / 2011
    A WxPerl book would be really fantastic!...
  • Commented on What non-Perl books do you recommend to Perlers?
    Something about design pattern is always useful. "Design patterns : elements of reusable object-oriented software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides" People from a java background seems to like "Head First Design Patterns" by Eric T...
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  • xdg commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements

    If you're just prototyping, I wonder if source filters would let you be more experimental with less effort.

  • Stevan Little commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements

    David – Actually Devel::Declare is not that bad to work with, just sometimes you run into certain limitations and have to think a little more strangely (to better align with the way the perl parser itself thinks).

  • dichoso commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements

    Stevan++ this is wonderful work I hope that you get adoption of those features in p5 core and that you don't lose interest on it.

    Do you plan to use Devel::Declare in the final version of p5-mop? Part of me thinks that there should be a better way or at least a formalized API to hack into the compiler.

  • Stevan Little commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements

    dichoso – Devel::Declare will absolutely not be used in the final version, it is simply a stepping stone. Instead we will likely use the official keyword API for perl, which is supported via the Devel::CallParser module.

  • Matthias commented on p5-MOP syntax improvements

    I just wanted to thank you for your work.

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