How much is too much Moose Testing
Its test test and test again day here in the Moose-pen
Today I added in over 70+ tests into '20_fields.t' and I went though almost every conflagration of fields, params, expression and functions I could think of even the expression from hell from this post.
I did today's work by the book meaning I did all the tests first then I did the debugging. Now I am not going to dump 450 plus lines of hash key value pairs here as that would really piss a few people off and I might loose a reader of two, as if anyone really reads this anyway.
I will just give you what I ran into today. First there was the same bug as yesterday only this time on 'Functions'
Can't locate object method "alias" via package "Database::Accessor::Function" at D:\GitHub\database-accessor-driver-dbi\lib/Database/Accessor/Driver/ line 412.
Now if I got that error I am sure as Sherlock going to get the same thing on a 'Database::Accessor::Expression' class as well so I think I will nip both in the bud.
This requires a change in Database::Accessor and the simple solution would be to just add in the 'Database::Accessor::Roles::Alias' role to the 'with' statements of 'Expression' and 'Function' classes. Myself being myself I never like the simple solution So I look at a re factoring my Databse::Accessor roles a little.
Right now as it stands the matrix of my roles vs classes is as follows
| Class | Roles |
| | Alias | Element | Comparators |
| Element | x | x | |
| Function | | x | x |
| Param | x | | x |
| Expression | | x | |
which makes it very clear to me that I should move the 'Alias' role in to the 'Element' role as all four need that 'Alias'
A quick add to the 'Element' role;
use Moose::Role;
++ with (qw(Database::Accessor::Roles::Alias));
use namespace::autoclean;
and a quick change to the 'Element' class
use Moose;
extends 'Database::Accessor::Base';
-- with qw(Database::Accessor::Roles::Alias
with qw(
Database::Accessor::Roles::Element );
and finally a change to the 'Param' class
use Moose;
extends 'Database::Accessor::Base';
-- with qw(Database::Accessor::Roles::Alias);
++ with qw(Database::Accessor::Roles::Element);
and now I no longer get that fail but now I am getting ten fails and they are all the same;
not ok 72 - 2 Fields and a function in an expression and function in an expression all with alias retrieve SQL correct
Looking at the some of the fails I see for the above example I do get this warning coming up
# Expected SQL--> SELECT people.first_name, people.last_name, people.bonus * abs(?) FROM people
# Generated SQL-> SELECT people.first_name, people.last_name, bonus * abs(?) FROM people
So I am missing the default 'view/table' on that 'bonus' and looking at the rest of the warings I see it is the same error, functions and expressions are not using or getting the 'view'.
Now where to track this down. I know that this Database::Accessor test case '57_dad_elements.t' is testing for the correct inheritance of the 'View' down from the DA to the DAD and it is running 100% correct so it it a good chance that the bug is in my Driver::DBI code someplace. So in we go.
After a few mins it all leads to this call in the '_fields_sql' sub
my $sql = $self->_field_sql($field,1);
I am passing in a '1' here after the field to tell the '_field_sql' function that the passed in field should use the 'view/table' name. The error comes with the fact that the '_filed_sql' sub is recursive and I forgot to pass that '1' param into the recursive calls. Keeping that in mind this quick patch;
my ($element,$use_view) = @_;
if (ref($element) eq "Database::Accessor::Expression"){
my $left_sql;
$left_sql = Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI::SQL::OPEN_PARENS
if ( $element->open_parentheses() );
-- $left_sql .= $self->_field_sql($element->left());
++ $left_sql .= $self->_field_sql($element->left(),$use_view);
foreach my $param (@{$element->right()}){
-- push(@right_sql,$self->_field_sql($param));
++ push(@right_sql,$self->_field_sql($param),$use_view);
my $right_sql = join(',',@right_sql);
$right_sql .= Database::Accessor::Driver::DBI::SQL::CLOSE_PARENS
elsif (ref($element) eq "Database::Accessor::Function"){
-- my $left_sql = $self->_field_sql($element->left());
++ my $left_sql = $self->_field_sql($element->left(),$use_view);
my @right_sql;
my $comma = "";
foreach my $param (@{$element->right()}){
-- push(@right_sql,$self->_field_sql($param));
++ push(@right_sql,$self->_field_sql($param,$use_view));
and unfortunately that is only a partial fix as now I get 8 fails and now I am getting warings like this one
Expected SQL--> SELECT people.first_name, people.last_name, people.bonus * abs(?) FROM people
# Generated SQL-> SELECT people.first_name, people.last_name, people.bonus * abs(?),1 FROM people
Somehow an exta ',1' in there after the funcuntion. Oh well a topic for tomorrow's post.
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