October 2014 Archives

Devops in the cloud with perl

I gave a talk at NY Perlmongers this past Tuesday. We streamed it -- though didn't really publicize that ahead of time due to me working on my slides up until the last second -- and Devops in the cloud with perl is up on YouTube. The slides are here. I used the excellent reveal.js.

This is my second time giving a talk at perlmongers, and SocialFlow's fifth time hosting. Every time I've attended perlmongers it's been fun, interesting, and worthwhile, so if you're on the fence about going to your local meetup you should give it a shot. And it you're on the fence about streaming your local meetup you should give that a shot as well; it's really not very hard.

The Audio compression came out really bad this time, probably because our upstream speeds were severely limited by being on a cable modem, but I still stand by my HOWTO live stream a talk in pretty much the laziest way possible.

As I spoke about in the talk, over the course of 2013 I ( then 'we' once i got enough of a prototype out to have some collaboration on it ) developed our deploy system to match what we consider to be as close as we can get to best practices while still being an extremely pragmatic deploy system. It is built largely on top of Object::Remote.

If anyone is actually interested, I'll upload what we've got to github and get it to CPAN. As I briefly mentioned in the talk, the main obstacles are making some concepts more pluggable; Specifically we use Amazon S3 as a file store. ::FileStore should be an interface, and which kind you're using ( ::FileStore::S3 ) could just be specified in the config.

About Samuel Kaufman

user-pic CTO / Codemonkey, Socialflow.com