September 2012 Archives

Yanick Champoux joins Dancer core team

I'm pleased and excited to announce that Yanick Champoux has joined the Dancer core team.

Perl interface to LDTP is gaining traction

I've written about the new Perl interface to the LDTP (Linux Desktop Testing Project) testing library that I had written. It already garnished some interest from people on Github. We've had some progress on that front you might be interested in. Also, we still need your help! :)

Perl interface to LDTP testing library

Gabor Szabo realized that it's very easy to dare me to do things and then making them available for Perl. I'm somewhat like Marty in Back to the Future - "I am not chicken!"

So, now we have LDTP. However, it needs your help. What is LDTP you ask? Good question!

About Sawyer X

user-pic Gots to do the bloggingz