I am delighted and proud to announce the release of Perl 5.26.0! You can read the release announcement.
It has been the first release done under my fidgety guidance. I want to take this opportunity to share my thoughts on this release and the process we had producing it.
As some of you might have heard, Ricardo Signes had stepped down from the role of Perl Pumpking. He passed on that role to me.
I have written the following message to Perl 5 Porters, and I think it seems apt to provide it at large to the community here:
("group" in this context is the Perl 5 core development group: p5p.)
Yet another Dancer2 release hitting CPAN as we speak, all the way from Granada, Spain, courtesy of YAPC::EU 2015.
We've made a few interesting changes, highlights of which I would like to share with you.
Hi everyone,
I am proud to announce another release of Dancer2, carrying many changes and improvements, with 9 contributors and 21 tickets closed[1].
This release carries the following major changes:
* Workaround for multiple plugins with hooks.
* "send_file" is asynchronous by default. Fallback to synchronous.
* "prefix" now supports the entire route path spec ("/:var" now works in prefix).
* Clear up prefix inconsistencies ("/var" vs. "/var/").
* Proper package reported in logging.
I recently gave a talk at AmsterdamX.pm about web scraping. I provided a few examples of scraping (most of them on my Github repo), and amongst them, a few relating to the January assignments page Neil has put up.
In the previous post I discussed my January Pull Request Challenge contribution. It's only part 1 because there's another part: the contributions others made during their PRC which were related to projects I'm in charge of.
While I was focused on the social aspects of the PR Challenge, such as the IRC channel (opping literally everyone), the guides (wrote several), the repo (plus organization), and lately even a small parser for the web page Neil created (which will appear in another post), I still had my own responsibilities - mainly, my own PR challenge, and taking care of others' PR challenge contributions that fell under my purview.
On my quest for downloading more podcasts, I decided to tackle another podcast I started listening to, Criminal.
This posed a set of new problems, and I'm going to go over the code for solving it, since I'm actually somewhat proud of it.
I started getting into podcasts recently and one that I heard mentioned a few times was Welcome to Night Vale. I didn't get to listen to it yet, but decided I'll try it out.
When I start with a podcast, I want to download the episodes. I don't listen on my computer, I listen on my mp3 player. (Yes, I still havhttp://commonplacebooks.com/welcome-to-night-vale/e one, and no, it's not an iPod.)
At the same time, I'm sick of going over lists of pages, opening each, and then looking for the download button, so I wrote a Perl script that downloads all episodes for this podcast.
I'm pleased and excited to announce that Yanick Champoux has joined the Dancer core team.