September 2015 Archives

Perl 5 Porters Mailing List Summary: September 20th-26th

I have started compiling summaries of the Perl 5 Porters (p5p) mailing list. Thank you to everyone who helped improve them. Following is the first report.

My YAPC::EU 2015: The Art of Community


YAPC is always a special time - for all of us. YAPC::EU was my first YAPC and no matter which YAPC I attend, I always remember it as the first YAPC I had (back in Italy), where I met Ovid, Aristotle, and other people I nowadays get to call friends, for the first time. It was my first community event.

New Dancer2 release en route to CPAN: 0.162000

Yet another Dancer2 release hitting CPAN as we speak, all the way from Granada, Spain, courtesy of YAPC::EU 2015.

We've made a few interesting changes, highlights of which I would like to share with you.

About Sawyer X

user-pic Gots to do the bloggingz