- Website: www.astray.com/
- About: Léon Brocard (aka acme) is an orange-loving Perl eurohacker with many varied contributions to the Perl community, including the GraphViz module on the CPAN. YAPC::Europe was all his fault. He is still looking for a Perl Monger group he can start which begins with the letter 'D'.
Recent Actions
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 2 to acme
Just while I was having a shower, the hotel had a 5-minute power cut. I decided to walk down the stairs to breakfast.
Another day of two breakfasts, one at the hotel and one at the conference venue (even more Баница) while meeting everyone.
Today I've mostly stayed in the "De…
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 1 to acme
A day of two breakfasts, one at the hotel and one at the conference venue (more Баница) while meeting everyone.
First big announcement of the day was that YAPC::Europe 2015 will be in Granada, Spain.
And then the first talks of the conference. I chose to attend ="http:…
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 0 to acme
I travelled from Heathrow to Sofia, Bulgaria very early this morning. I managed to bump into a few airport. I managed to find my hotel and have a proper shower. First order of business was to have a proper lunch, I bumped in…
Commented on Missing YAPC::Europe
Leo's not making it. I think Nicholas might win that prize......
Posted Missing YAPC::Europe to acme
I was really looking forward to YAPC::Europe next week in Kiev. The talks looked great and I was looking forward to seeing the Perl community. However, for work reasons I won't make it. This sucks.
What conferences should I go to instead?
Commented on YAPC::EU 2012 - an organizers' view - Day 1
The icecream was very welcome, thanks!...
Commented on UsePerl and Other Stories
Hey Barbie, After releasing my module I thought everyone would be hosting a read-only copy of use.perl.org. This hasn't happened, and I haven't put up a static version of the website yet. Feel like hosting one? Regards, Leon...
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 3 to acme
The third and last day of YAPC::Europe and everyone is a little tired after all the socialising and thinking.
This morning there was a little presentation about YAPC::Europe next year in Kiev, Ukraine. Should be cooler!
Stevan Little presented ="http://act.yapc.eu/ye2012/tal…
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 2 to acme
Yesterday's attendees dinner in Sachsenhausen was excellent and we did indeed have Apfelwein.
The day started off with Curtis Poe explaining to us the agile manifesto. I think he was trying to get us to all launch startups or at least reengineer our current employments.
Then Clin…
Posted YAPC::Europe Day 1 to acme
It's the first day of YAPC::Europe in Frankfurt and it's the hottest day of the year so far. It's pretty warm in the conference venue. Max gave us a good introduction to the conference and handed over to the announcement of YAPC::Europe next year: Kiev, Ukraine. Then the star of the show: Larry…
Posted YAPC::Europe day -1 to acme
YAPC::Europe 2012 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany starts on Monday. This is the biggest gathering of Perl people in Europe and I'll keep you updated day by day.
I'm presenting The Fallacies of Distributed …
Posted The Fallacies of Distributed Computing to acme
I've just proposed the following talk at YAPC::Europe:
Networks are great in theory, but have some well-known limitations that you should bear in mind when using them. Come find out what they are so that you don't make the same mistakes.
Posted WWW::UsePerl::Server to acme
use.perl.org was a Perl-specific blogging website created by Chris Nandor and hosted at Geeknet. It was up from early 2001 until late 2010. A little over a month ago I started a project along the lines of Archive Team to save historical Perl websites and…
Posted London Perl Mongers Technical Meeting 2012-05-31 to acme
London Perl Mongers organises technical meetings every two months. The technical meetings are a chance to find out what has been going on in the Perl community, what techniques people are using and how Perl integrates with other software.
The next technical meeting will be on the 31st May …
Posted London Perl Mongers Technical Meeting 2012-04-11 to acme
London Perl Mongers organises technical meetings every two months. The technical meetings are a chance to find out what has been going on in the Perl community, what techniques people are using and how Perl integrates with other software.
The next technical meeting will be on the 11th Apri…
Posted London.pm technical meeting 26th January 2012 to acme
London Perl Mongers organises technical meetings every two months. The technical meetings are a chance to find out what has been going on in the Perl community, what techniques people are using and how Perl integrates with other software.
The next technical meeting will be on the 26th Janu…
Posted New "dot" feature to acme
I wrote the following email to the Perl 5 Porters mailing list a few days ago. I thought you might enjoy it.
Hello Porters,I had a dream that Perl 5 had moved from using -> to using . like most…
Commented on Perl module ideas #2
I've thought about some sort of interface to libarchive for writing archives, but I haven't needed one yet. The libarchive API is quite large, so a higher-level simple tar/zip with various compression algorithms would be a good start....
Posted Extracting your archives to acme
I'm on a bit of a roll about unpacking archives. Last week I wrote about peeking into archives and recently I was wondering about extracting archives.
The classic tool for extracting archives is ="htt…
Posted Peeking into archives to acme
Peeking into archives
At little insight goes a long way. I often say that I get my best ideas when I'm in the shower. I relax and my sometimes my brain makes some pretty neat connections.
One example of this is CPAN::Mini::…
Posted Mail user agents to acme
Recently I've decided that I should change the way I host my email. I've moved to fastmail.fm + offlineimap + Dovecot + Mutt. I've played with a few…
Posted YAPC::Europe 2011 Day 3 to acme
A short sleep later and it's time for the third day of talks at YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga, Latvia.
The attendees dinner yesterday was great fun - hundreds of Perl programmers at Lido in an underground …
Posted YAPC::Europe 2011 Day 2 to acme
A short sleep later and it's time for the second day of talks at YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga, Latvia.
(Re)Developing in Perl 6, where Damian Conway showed us how to convert some of his Perl 5 modul…
Posted YAPC::Europe 2011 Day 1 to acme
Today was the first day of talks at YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga, Latvia. I arrived a few days ago and Riga is a beautiful town to walk around, full of restaurants and squares with outside tables to drink beer. I enjoyed walking around the
Commented on Announcing Marpa::XS 0.8.0
Thanks for a wonderful module and a great speed-up....
Posted Perl 5.12.4 is now available to acme
You cannot eat breakfast all day,
When breakfast is taken away,
To turn his attention to dinner;
And it's not in the range of belief,
To look upon him as a glutton,
Who, when he is tired of beef,
Determines to tackle the mutt… -
Commented on Perl 5.12.4-RC1 is now available
Fixed, thanks....
Posted Perl Epigraphs to acme
Many Perl release announcements included an epigraph, a short excerpt from a literary or other creative work, chosen by the pumpking or release manager. This file assembles the known list of epigraph for posterity, and also links to the release announcements in mailing list…
Posted Perl 5.12.4-RC1 is now available to acme
Pheasant is pleasant, of course,
Lobster I freely endorse,
In pate or patty or pasty.
But there's nothing the matter with butter,
And nothing the matter with jam,
And the warmest greetings I utter
To the ham and the yam and the… -
Posted Net::VNC update to acme
I've added an interesting feature to Net::VNC: sending key events. You can now use it to automate tasks on remote machines...

Comment Threads
nxadm.wordpress.com commented on
Perl 5.12.4-RC1 is now available
It builds and tests just fine on Solaris 10 (64-bit, threaded).
After the broken 5.14.0 release on Solaris (http://rt.perl.org/rt3//Public/Bug/Display.html?id=91678) I plan to more rc testing :).
Jeffrey Kegler commented on
Announcing Marpa::XS 0.8.0
@ron, @acme: Thanks for the kind words. Marpa is the product of 4 years of full-time work, and it is my hope that it represents a step forward in the technology of parsing.
john napiorkowski commented on
Missing YAPC::Europe
I was wondering that if you can't go, perhaps there's other ways you can participate? For example I imagine there's going to be some videos, and it would be great to have someone watching stuff and reporting on it, or someone just doing some more general reporting and advocacy,
- Neil Bowers commented on Missing YAPC::Europe
hanekomu commented on
Missing YAPC::Europe
YAPC::Asia, of course. :) We've both been there in 2008; would be nice to see you there again.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.