

  • Website:
  • About: An Orthopaedic Surgeon, A Tissue Engineering Scientist, Lecturer, (and Hobbyist Programmer, Electronics Engineer and Roboticist)
  • Commented on Objective Decisions
    LOL, Mrs Saif wants a version upgrade from me too...but really it isn't that traumatic. Her being upset comes from a good place. As do things that go in the Perl community. We have all different wants and needs, and...
  • Commented on Objective Decisions
    Agreed. Obvious after the event for me, and being a cheapskate, I got some cheap equivalents of Airtags. The "GPS" thing only appears to work as a "last location when connected" and not while (possibly) travelling in a bunch of...
  • Posted Objective Decisions to Saif

    Prioritisation of Panic

    Let me start off by asking the folk on this platform one question. Imagine a scenario that you had lost something important with multiple potential negative consequences. For instance losing a bunch of keys including your car keys, your house keys, your changing r…

  • Commented on Repository of examples using Perl and Assembly together
    This is amazing Chris, I never knew this was possible. Thanks! Looking forward to more examples please....
  • Posted Justifying Embarrassing Errors. to Saif

    I remember when one one of my grandchildren helpfully decided reorganise a bookshelf whilst by himself. Upon being discovered, sitting in front of an empty shelf with books strewn all around him, his instinctive reaction made me feel proud to be his grandpa. He looked up and said, “Oh…

  • Posted Making time to waste. to Saif

    Over the years that I have existed in four dimensions, I have come to accept that time is not a linear concept heading inexorably in one direction at a uniform rate. It didn't take an Einstein or Hawking to convince me either. Time is as malleable as the distortions applied by our consciousness,…

  • Commented on Making a Super Cal if Rage Will Stick Ex Paella Down Us
    It really has been fascinating learning for me. To think that astronomers detected a difference in consecutive years of less that 0.1% centuries ago, and compensate for it is amazing. The maths is the clever bit. I am planning to...
  • Posted Making a Super Cal if Rage Will Stick Ex Paella Down Us to Saif

    Something I am not good at

    The paella must be possibly the worst national dish ever created, I thought to myself as I looked at the charred remains in my pan. It is as if the mind of some ancient Spanish conquistador, returned from his conquests abroad feeling hungry and unfulfilled, dr…

  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    Look we all live in together and interact with each other. I grew up, went to school, in North Yorkshire in the the 70s. People were blunt, outwardly racist, and I had experienced hurtful abuse from strangers, friends and rarely...
  • Commented on When Saif Met Sarah
    LOL none of us look like our avatars in real life. Look forward to f2f interactions in the future!...
  • Commented on Matching simply
    Nice, looks ideal for Olaf's advent calendar....
  • Commented on When Saif Met Sarah
    It was great meeting you too. Looking forward to future encounters, and thanks for your advice....
  • Posted When Saif Met Sarah to Saif

    The Perl and Raku Conference 2023

    The Perl and raku Conference 2023 in Toronto was an event I was really looking forward to. A chance to rub shoulders with the giants of Perl and Raku, absorb insights and innovations of the nerdy Perly community...everything they said in the blurb. It w…

  • Posted Inevitable Improbabilities to Saif

    Guys anything can happen. There is literally no way of avoiding something that you haven’t prepared for. So in the face of mounting anxiety over the huge number of unexpected scenarios that may be around the corner, what can you do? You can contemplate insulating yourself, try and…

  • Commented on Using Perl to prepare sequencing files to submit to NCBI's GEO
    Looks very useful and time saving, well done ... is it worth submitting this as a module perhaps to BioPerl?...
  • Posted My Family and Other Fish (PerlayStation Part 2) to Saif

    Faced with any problem, there are many potential approaches. This, I have realised, is amply illustrated by the members of my own family, further reinforcing the educational value of having one. I shall anonymise them for my own protection, and as a disclaimer also state that everything I say…

  • Commented on Regexp Delimiters
    A neat idea, thanks for this, and the handy tip regarding the use of "'" as a delimiter. Illustrates how such flexibility can make code easier to read or more difficult, depending on the intentions of the coder....
  • Commented on Benchmarking Rakudo releases. Is Raku Still slow?
    This is great, I would suggest reposting at every pre-release...because that is the time one can scrutinise the changes ad address them to prevent continuous degradation. Features get added that inevitably impacts the performance. identification of performance bottlenecks are better...
  • Commented on Keeping Your Valuables Under Lock and Key
    Thought provoking, thanks....
  • Posted Done before, Done better, Done again differently. to Saif

    A Fool's Errand, and Quantum Theory

    It is my firm belief that every thought or idea that you or I have, has been had before. On the balance of statistics, the chances are that those that had these ideas handled it better, and have developed more powerful utilities to exploit these inno…

  • Commented on Automatic Art
    These are beautiful Herbert, well done! The more you look at these images, the more you imagine faces, people etc. Are you thinking of adding colour?...
  • Posted PerlayStation Games Console (Part 1) to Saif

    Itchy fingers

    A few reddit posts ago I saw an interesting article about maze generation and game written in Perl. Game development, I fully believe, is key to intellectual engagement, provides amusement to developers and non developers, and highlights the capabilities of a programming l…

  • Posted Spoken like a 1980s chip to Saif

    In the beginning

    In the beginning there was light. Of course there was, but a bang must have followed shortly after. It is not unexpected that the communication between organisms, surrounded by a fluid whether it is air or water, is primarily acoustic rather than visual. While vision r…

  • Commented on Casting Perls before Splines
    Great to see two greats of the Perl world appreciating my distorted perspectives. If only Mrs Saif would......
  • Posted Casting Perls before Splines to Saif

    As I sit pondering my peas at the dinner table, my thoughts are unnaturally drawn to the that "For a hungry man, green peas are more shiny than gleaming pearls". From these green orbs on my plate, the mind drifts to a rec…

  • Commented on Types, Objects, and Systems, Oh my!
    What an excellent thought provoking article, on yet another OOP paradigm. Nice work, Al....
  • Commented on How does SPVM resolve the problems of Perl numeric operations?
    A huge piece of work Kimoto-san, well done. Do you anticipate that user generated classes (.spvm files) to be located in /lib/SPVM/ or can they be in any directory?...
  • Posted Death: A Terminal Experience to Saif

    A program being executed, self terminating on encountering an non-viable condition is a typical scenario in Perl programs. The death sentence can deliver information about the departed application to the user as justification and demand appropriate resolution for the subsequent…

  • Commented on Integrated Inconsistencies.
    I did change the code, so it looks better (i.e. x come before the y) , output is not changed, and it will work either way. The output points' x-y order will match the the points input, so old code...
  • Posted Integrated Inconsistencies. to Saif

    I will get it wrong. I will start off by saying that, not just because I am married and this sentiment has been conjugally programmed in me for years, but because doing things "my way" will not suit everybody. We approach life, programming, drawing from different perspectives, different…

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  • The Mighty Buzzard commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse

    Beats me. You seem to be concerned about people liking you, so it could be anybody.

    Most of the overly fragile people are not in reality overly fragile anyway. They simply hate you and will use the weapon you're giving them every time you fail to slap them down for doing it to others against you.

    The choice here is between demanding they act like a grownup who leaves his non-work feelings at home or letting them run everyone who gets things done off. There is not a middle ground, only an inevitable decline if you allow it.

  • Diab Jerius commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse

    Lots of stereotypes and assumptions being thrown around here, as well as some pretty grand generalizations.

    A community is defined by a set of common values and yes, a code of conduct of acceptable behavior. That's been part of human culture since before recorded history.

    Every community eventually sets down rules for what is acceptable and what isn't, otherwise it falls apart and is no longer a community.

    Some people don't like rules which limit how they behave towards others. Fine. But their behavior is not always welcomed by others in the community, and if the comm…

  • Aristotle commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    You seem to be concerned about people liking you, so it could be anybody.

    Buzzard, Buzzard. If you go around accusing people of not knowing the difference between empathy and sympathy, maybe you should not be making the same mistake. 🙂

  • Brett Estrade commented on Objective Decisions

    People who work on things people actually want or need tend to get the feedback. I think that's pretty obvious Object::Pad and Perl OO in general is not interesting and nobody is clammoring for it. It's a solved problem, meanwhile things like "any", "all", and other properly idiomatic things that move Perl forward is of great interest. Meanwhile, people are trying to cause repeated trauma or PTSD to the Perl community by way of YET ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO CHANGE THE PERL VERSIONING. Whatever trauma Mrs. Saif inflicts on you, it is peanuts compared to the trauma some people inflict on the silent…

  • davebaker commented on Objective Decisions

    Thanks for sharing! Well written, interesting.

    You’re finding something that makes Perl more pleasurable to use. You’re concerned with Perl’s usage declining. Unless you’re the only one in the world who would experience this pleasure, it’s well worth our time to read about it. Making Perl more fun to use could generate more Perl users. Who knew?

    Keep a-going!

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