- Website:
- About: Born. Became programmer. Atari Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java, Perl. In this order. :-) Played International Karate, Super Cobra, Loom, MechWarrior 1-4 and Quake 3. Studied computer science, Debian, Emacs, Perl. Active member of Dresden Perl Mongers.
Recent Actions
Posted The Secret XS Diaries to Renormalist
I just rediscovered an old project of myself when I was learning Perl/XS and wanted to drop a hint to it here.
It might be useful for others who also have no idea how XS works and who would benefit from the approach and point of view of another XS newbie.
It is both the step-by-st…
Commented on Enter the Matrix ... with PDL
Finally I see more blog entries about PDL - thumbs up! I need it basically once a year, read and fiddle around, then forget everything, then try to recall next year, etc., I will definitely come back here for (re-)finding...
Posted Perl::Formance at Perl Toolchain Summit 2019 to Renormalist
Finally I could attend the Perl Toolchain Summit again.
As often in the last years I worked on the Benchmark::Perl::Formance toolchain.
The major achievement…
Commented on 6lang: The Naming Discussion Update
Show Perl 6 code to a non-Perl programmer and let him/her decide. He/She will definitely answer "it's Perl"....
Commented on 6lang Naming Proposal is Good
Show Perl 6 code to a non-Perl programmer and let him/her decide. He/She will clearly answer "it's Perl"....
Posted Perl QA Hackathon - Thanks to Renormalist
Besides thanking the sponsors, I also want to have a dedicated entry to say a big Thank You to the organizers. Neil Bowers, JJ, and Barbie. It was an incredible experience, well organized, nice city, and especially a nice hotel…
Posted Perl QA Hackathon report - part 3: Net::SSH::Perl v2 to Renormalist
This year at the Perl QA Hackathon I had three topics: benchmark update Perl until 5.24, enable CPAN test reporting on L4Linux, release a
Posted Perl QA Hackathon report - part 2: CPAN testing on L4 Linux to Renormalist
This year at the Perl QA Hackathon I had three topics: benchmark update Perl until 5.24, enable CPAN test reporting on L4Linux, release a
Posted Perl QA Hackathon report - part 1: Perl::Formance to Renormalist
This year at the Perl QA Hackathon I had three topics: benchmark update Perl until 5.24, enable CPAN test reporting on L4Linux, release a
Posted German Perlworkshop 2015 - next week to Renormalist
The German Perlworkshop takes place next week, Wednesday to Friday, May 6th - 8th, 2015 in Dresden, Germany.
Hurry now while stocks last!
Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2015 to Renormalist
Last post - the post that hurts the most.
It's been a while that I blogged. Yet, it's a tradition now to write my report about the Perl QA hackathon as probably the last one of the attendees. The 2015 edition of the Perl QA hackathon was a lot of fun. I'm one of the less visible guys there…
Commented on So, Kiev 2013
Indeed, please no live auction. It was funny years ago but in the last years tended to be a rather wasted timeslot....
Commented on A late Perl QA Hackathon 2012 post scriptum
Some answers in reverse order: The first rule of the benchmark club: you do not change the environment of the benchmark. In other words: my changes during the hackathon could have influenced the measurements. I don't think they did, but...
Commented on A late Perl QA Hackathon 2012 post scriptum
Well, I should have added at least soome URLs into the Benchmarking. Here we go: Overview and results....
Posted A late Perl QA Hackathon 2012 post scriptum to Renormalist
First post, the post that hurts the most. Well ... not ... but still in time before the y2k12-maya-bug triggers.
I am late in writing this summary about my hackathon but it fits the prolongation style I exercised this time. I had quite a slow start as I found it difficult to flush my overf…
- Posted perlformance to Renormalist
Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2011 - Day 3 to Renormalist
Too bad I need to leave so early.
I made progress on setting up my preferred applications "Tapper" and "Codespeed":
… -
Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2011 - Day 2 to Renormalist
Day 2 was full of Yak shaving. It was not very convincing at first sight
I basically struggled on 2 topics:
… -
Posted Perl QA Hackathon 2011 - Day 1 to Renormalist
Short summary before the day closes:
- Started installation of a Tapper instance for tracking Perl benchmarks.
- Set up own CPAN mirror to be used as stable base for Benchmark::Perl::Formance.
- Asked AndyA to resurrect the TAP v13 spec to Succeeded.…
Posted Tapper - a test infrastructure to Renormalist
Commented on Emacs cperl-mode Perl6+MX::Declare news
Strange that I never found this issue tracker... I entered your issues there....
Commented on Emacs cperl-mode Perl6+MX::Declare news
And yes, I prefer bug reports, I just don't know where. I could upload to cpan and then use RT, but not sure, because cperl-mode originally belongs to IlyaZ. Does github provide reporting facilities beside the wiki? Suggestions welcome......
Commented on Emacs cperl-mode Perl6+MX::Declare news
Thanks for trying it. My goal lately is indeed a version that works for the Perl "families", i.e., both modern Perl5 plus Perl6 and en passant probably also variants like Perlito and NQP. I have some conditionals to influence when...
Posted Emacs cperl-mode Perl6+MX::Declare news to Renormalist
I recently invested some tuits to rebase my Perl6 enhancements in Emacs cperl-mode to the latest version 6.2 that Ilya Zakharevich provides on his homepage.
After wading through tears and blood (well, it was more about different levels of f…
Comment Threads
Maddingue commented on
So, Kiev 2013
If there are things like books or t-shirts to sell, a silent auction will do. A live auction is only interesting if there are truly exceptional things. But if you have none, no need to make up something artificial. As Matt noted, we no longer need the auction whether as funding source or as a community event.
Also, I'm taking the opportunity of being currently unemployed to modernize the Act hosting and finally migrate to the PSGI port. So adding new features (like QR codes badges) should be easier and faster.
kid51 commented on
So, Kiev 2013
Go for it, Andrew!
Now, if only we could find out where YAPC::NA::2013 will be held ... :-)
zby commented on
So, Kiev 2013
Invite speakers from outside of our Perl echo-chamber!
JJ Merelo commented on
6lang: The Naming Discussion Update
Could be x-lang (eks-lang). Not so bad, not taken as far as I know.
Mohawk commented on
Enter the Matrix ... with PDL
About is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.