- Website: domm.plix.at
- About:
Just in case you like to know, I'm currently full-time father of 2 kids, half-time Perl hacker, sort-of DJ, bicyclist, no longer dreadlocked and more than 34 years old but too lazy to update my profile once a year.
I'm also head of Vienna.pm, no longer maintainer of the CPANTS project, member of the TPF Grants Commitee and the YAPC Europe Foundation.
I've got stuff on CPAN, held various talks and organise the Austrian Perl Workshops and YAPC::Europe 2007.
Recent Actions
Commented on How to change charset=ISO-8859-1 to charset=UTF8? Rocky 9.1 server
Yes, at least there are multiple posts using images etc...
Commented on How to change charset=ISO-8859-1 to charset=UTF8? Rocky 9.1 server
I would assume that the Perl CGI module is so old it defaults to latin-1. A quick glance at the docs confirms this: https://metacpan.org/dist/CGI/view/lib/CGI.pod#Creating-a-standard-http-header "The -charset parameter can be used to control the character set sent to the browser. If...
Commented on A Perl Community Dashboard
So you're planning to count user visits to the listed websites, not what happens on those sites (e.g. modules released, posts published, etc)?...
Commented on Swiss Perl Workshop - Post Event & Future
One benefit of local / small events compared to big events is that they can and should be in the local language. I know that this is a bit more complex in e.g. Switzerland than in e.g. Austria, but it...
- Posted My PerlCon 2019 report to domm
Posted Using generate_series and daterange for fun and profit to domm
P.S.: As it seems that the ironman perl blog aggregator is down, I (ab)use blogs.perl.org to alert you of my new posts..
Posted German Perl Workshop 2019 in Munich Report to domm
See here on my blog!
P.S. As http://ironman.enlightenedperl.org/ seems to be down, I'm back to using blogs.perl.org for syndication...
Commented on Machine learning in Perl, Part3: Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial network
Without knowing anything about MXNet etc, it might be a good idea to consider using Log::Any for logging instead of rolling your own logger (as used in the last two lines of your code sample)...
- Posted What I expect from a Web Framework to domm
Posted New blog post: Using a DarkPAN with Carton to domm
Read all about it here: http://domm.plix.at/perl/2017_07_carton_darkpan.html!
Commented on Add Structured Data to Log::Any
++ We are currently moving from logging to syslog to logging to/via graylog, and having structured log messages would be a huge win....
Posted No proposal for European Perl Conference 2018 yet to domm
We did not get a single letter of intent to host the European Perl Conference in 2018 yet. So either all your monger groups try to stress out the YEF venue committee, or nobody actually wants to host the conference next year.
I do hope for the first opt…
Posted Call for Venue for the Perl Conference in Europe 2018 (formerly know as YAPC::Europe) to domm
Commented on MVC::Neaf - Not Even A (Web Application) Framework
Why are you using your own session handler when there are several very good Plack Middlewares available? Generally, when working with micro/no-frameworks, I think it makes most sense to implement as little as possible on your own, and do the...
Commented on Better SQL tracing with DBIx::Class
Besides the nifty counter, isn't this the same as $ENV{DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE}=console ? ok, DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE also won't work with plain DBI (I guess).....
Commented on Something New Every Day
The JAPH in my .sig is based on this feature: for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}...
Commented on A Date with CPAN, Part 2: Target First, Aim Afterwards
At some YAPC::Europe some time ago I've seen this Java DateTime API mentioned in a talk: JSR-310, and found it quite nice (haven't looked at it since, though..) Maybe you can find some inspiration there. But I do think that...
Commented on P6SGI: Smack the Reference Implementation
To me it looks better than having nothing (or CGI, shudder). I haven't tried it yet, though, and my Perl6 is very basic, so I'm not sure I can help... But thanks for starting something! LeoNerd, maybe you could post...
Commented on Testing your sqitch changes
Maybe you want to take a look at DBIx::SchemaChecksum, which works perfectly with Postgres (or other DBs that allow schema changes to happen inside a transaction). It does not support downgrading, though......
Commented on RFC Perl for education
What you're describing sounds a lot like Perl6, which seems to be quite useable already. The major thing that's missing in Perl6 is ready-to-use frameworks like Dancer etc (but I assume some proto-versions of such frameworks are hiding on github...
Commented on Learning Perl 6 - Find in a Large File
If you like hacking on Perl 6 (or learning Perl 6), come to the Austrian Perl Workshop in Salzburg: http://act.useperl.at/apw2014/ After two days of "regular" Perl Workshop, we'll have a two-day hackathon on 12th and 13th Oct. Larry Wall will...
Commented on YAPC::EU 2015 from 2nd to 4th September
Yet another reason to target younger people :-) BTW, I don't have a problem with the current dates, but I would have some if the conference was a week earlier, because of my sons birthday. No matter which dates you'll...
Commented on First Round of Talks Accepted - But Still Room for More!
> Favourite title: "Code I'm proud of", from DOMM. Uh, so I should maybe start writing the slides :-)...
Commented on ZMQ::FFI and FFI::Raw
We have also adapted ZMQx::Class to work with ZMQ::FFI. Our changes are not released yet on CPAN, but you can get them from https://github.com/domm/ZMQx-Class...
Commented on perlsphere.net: Static since last Friday
The problem is that this post: http://techblog.babyl.ca/entry/dfw-contest is dated 2104-01-11 instead of 2014-01-11, thus always showing up first. If you scroll down a bit, you'll see the fresh posts. The same also happens at ironman......
Commented on My database involved testing setup
You can use the -l flag which is basically the same as -I lib And if you're using a proper DB supporting nested transactions (i.e. postgres) you could start a transaction at the beginning of each test file and roll...
Commented on Promoting perl outside the echo chamber
App::TimeTracker - time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers...
Commented on Perl programmer humour
Hm, the last run of Acme::ReturnValue was more than two years ago. Maybe I should run it again (and/or improve Acme::ReturnValue)... And regarding the return value "favourite record of the moment", for some reasons I don't remember right now I...
Commented on deb.perl.it - bridging CPAN and Debian → step2
Nice work! And I like the example :-)...
Commented on Recent work on ZMQ::LibZMQ3 and CZMQ
zmq_proxy() now indeed works, thanks a lot!...

Comment Threads
Dean commented on
A Perl Community Dashboard
Yes, if that data can be aggregated somehow then those sorts of channels would be perfect for phase 2
Dean commented on
A Perl Community Dashboard
Initially it would just be the javascript snippet which gives details on what users are visiting.
Then once it's going, we could hook in to things more to get better data. I mentioned the example of cpan downloads.
spb commented on
A Perl Community Dashboard
Can you measure use of tags like 'perl' on common blogging and other techie platforms such as dev.to and Stackoverflow?
Kido Mitsuru commented on
How to change charset=ISO-8859-1 to charset=UTF8? Rocky 9.1 server
Thank you, domm, I can manage to change $cgi->header(=>'utf-8'). It worked.
By the way, I have a tiny question related with character encoding. To clearly present my question, I want to post screenshot (png or jpg) here. May I use graphics file attachment here?
Kido Mitsuru commented on
How to change charset=ISO-8859-1 to charset=UTF8? Rocky 9.1 server
Sorry there is a typo.
$cgi->header(-character=>'utf-8'). It worked.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.