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Commented on Running mixed Perl 5 and Perl 6 tests.
prove also includes the --source option to allow you to use custom TAP::Parser::SourceHandlers....
Commented on Automatic variable highlighting in vim
This would be a cool optional feature in the Perl support for vim.
Commented on Who's running @PerlUpdate account on Twitter?
It's a spam account. All their links go to the same ess-en-ess analytics domain. They don't care about the content they publish, or what we think about it. I'm frustrated that 3,230 people follow it and don't recognize that it's...
Commented on Three things you must do
You don't even need an outside service to do version control. Even if no one else in your organization cares about version control, you can set up a VCS on any server you choose, or even just on your desktop...
Commented on Why you don't need File::Slurp…
Because most of the time my time as a programmer is more important than a second or two of runtime. Because I'm not going to screw up "read_file($filename)" like I am more likely to screw up doing the file open/read/close...
Commented on Is the module list useful?
No, it is not useful. Here is a thread from 2004 where I said the same thing.
Commented on How do we know when a CORE module is deprecated?
Still new Perler wasanzy witnessed an exchange that might prevent him/her from seeking help in the future or worse, send him/her away from Perl Not just wasanzy, but everyone else who happened to be in #perl at that time....
Commented on Introducing Platform
It looks like you would only be able to have a single Platform::Whatever requirement. What do I do to say "I can run on Platform A or Platform B"?...
Commented on New York Perl Hackathon a success!
Thanks for posting this recap, Jim. It's good to have reports from groups around the world. It reminds us all that Perl gatherings don't have to just be PM meetings or big conferences....
Commented on In the name of "Create great things (in Perl)"
I don’t think we need to specifically write stuff for people who are not using Perl. If you build something with wide enough appeal, people will come use it. Example 1: Rails. Rails put Ruby on the map in a...
Commented on A perl devops mailing list
Don't ask if people are interested. Assume that at least someone will be and start the list yourself. Then say "I have started this list" and point to it. If you wait for people to say "Yeah, OK, that sounds...
Commented on It’s the things we know that just ain’t so
What do you see as the profiler telling us what is what? People manning the booths at non-Perl conferences? Troll articles in InfoWorld? I'm not sure that either one is an effective metric. Seems to me that everything being discussed...
Commented on 17.4% of CPAN uploads have no license in the META files
You specify the license so that potential users know whether they can use your software or not. Many people won't touch software where it's not explicitly licensed in a way that they prefer to use....
Commented on Please provide an abstract for posts to
I suggest that even more important than the abstract is the title of the post. Many people don't read through the website, but through an RSS reader or some other feed source that shows only the title. It should...
Commented on Categorizing CPAN modules
For starters, those who use (or used) CPAN's categories. I'm guessing that very few people have even looked at the categories in at least seven or eight years. Nobody knows they're there. I think the days of browsing lists of...
Commented on Categorizing CPAN modules
Should there be a new category/dmoz-like-directory project? You're proposing it, so you tell us. What do you see this directory being? What would the benefits be? Who would use it? How would it help them? How would it help the...
Commented on technical meeting
I'd love to see the slides for this....
Commented on Is this a place where I can get some technical input?
The best place for Perl help is
Commented on "White knight", a meditation
"White knight" is similar to "politically correct" in its dismissiveness. If someone suggests that it's not good to alienate and insult other people, out comes the "PC" tar brush. Anyone who would speak such a "PC" idea is now candidate...
Commented on Moving to Moose Hackathon roundup
An Oslo.PM affiliate brought his toy helicopters with attached video camera along and filmed our heroic ascent to the delight of the Perl crowd and innocent bystanders alike YouTube it!...
Commented on #perl6 highlights for week ending 2012-09-01
Could you please include in here the name of whoever wrote the posting each week? It's Piers Cawley, right? I suspect it might change from week to week, though....
Commented on Q: When not to use Regexp? A: HTML parsing
Thanks for the shoutout for I based it on and would like to get more info dumped into it. If anyone is interested in adding example code to to show people the right way to do parsing,...
Commented on When Perl is not applicable
The big question here is how many times you have to do these calculations. Twice ever? Twice a month? Twice a day? Twice an hour? When you have to do it twice an hour, I can see coding it in...
Commented on Several rants
I hate Windows. It's horrible. And that's one of the reasons that I specially make ack run on Windows without having to do any magic. That's why I make it so you can download it as a single file. I...
Commented on Elapsed Time in Test Output
For those who want to know how long each individual test program takes, without granualarity to the subtest level, you can just use prove --timer, or set HARNESS_TIMER=1 in your environment. I just set HARNESS_TIMER=1 in my .bashrc on all...
Commented on How does your module's abstract fare?
This is a great idea. I put a check for "The great new XXX" in the t/boilerplate.t tests created by Module::Starter in hopes of reminding people to update their abstracts. Clearly, that wasn't as effective as I would have liked:...
Commented on Every Day Is Exactly The Same
Is this only for UK stuff? Or all? If for all, I recall that brian d foy started something similar a while back, but I haven't heard about it recently. I hope that doesn't befall this calendar....
Commented on Vim highlighting question
The "standard color scheme for Perl" is maintained by me on GitHub at Theoretically they then get sent back to Bram Moolenaar to put into core vim, although that's only happened once since I took over aggregating all the...
Commented on CPAN modules for getting module dependency information
Holy crap, I forgot about Module::Depends::Tree. The CPAN remembers all!...
Commented on What's new on the Perl Beginners' Site
That's a lot of goodness, Shlomi. Thanks for keeping it up....
Comment Threads
naveedm9 commented on
Automatic variable highlighting in vim
Robin, Ultimatto, confuseAcat fixes the sigil negotiation and does it with much less and simpler code:
Tim Bunce commented on
Automatic variable highlighting in vim
Damian Conway has implemented a typically awesome plugin for automatic variable highlighting (and more):
Mike Doherty commented on
Why you don't need File::Slurp…
Would you benchmark this method of slurping, which is what I typically see?
my $contents = do { local $/; open my $in, '<', $filename; <$in> };
Might be worth adding to
Damien "dams" Krotkine commented on
Why you don't need File::Slurp…
I like to use this for non production code :)
my $content = do{local(@ARGV,$/)=$filename;<>};
I don't think it's useful to benchmark it :)
fibo commented on
How do we know when a CORE module is deprecated?
Come on, it's not that tragedy. On RedHat perl-CGI is already packaged.
It is not that difficut to include instructions for those who want to port their CGI scripts.
Something like
sudo cpan CGI
will do the trick ;)
I think Perl can move on and remove from core modules.
What it is really missing in the core, in my opinion, are IO::Socket::SSL and Plack.
Look at Node.js core, for example
We need https!
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