Jakub Narebski
- About: I read Perl blogs.
Recent Actions
Commented on SemVer but with Extra Steps
Adopting a common pattern that many projects use (including Linux), versions with an odd-numbered MINOR part are considered unstable. Linux does not use odd-numbered MINOR for unstable convention for quite a long time any longer....
Commented on An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
There is modern approach to the mailing list, namely the public-inbox software (the same that powers lore.kernel.org). With it you have both web interface and NNTP interface to the mailing list, and you can post using the other. That avoids...
Commented on A dream resyntaxed
The only part of the proposal that feels a bit weird for me is `before method foo () {...}` turning into `method foo :before () {...}`....
Commented on A Date with CPAN, Part 11: Sweet Release
> For now, I’ve decided to return the time zone abbreviation (i.e. the same as strftime("%Z")). However, I might change my mind on that if I find (or someone offers up) a compelling reason to return something different. Unfortunately timezone...
Commented on A Date with CPAN, Part 10: Cleanliness Is Next to Timeliness
Why not mock time, localtime, etc? There are modules on CPAN for that. Why TODO and not SKIP for 64bit only tests?...
Commented on Virtual Spring Cleaning (part 9 of X) wherein I retrieve content
Net::Async::Ping also returns Future. I have used it in my fork of wolicious: https://github.com/jnareb/wolicious...
Commented on Bit Rot Thursday
Do you think you could link to an example (or two or three) "design spec" of yours? I'd be very interested to see this process. I've never seen anyone else's design spec and it would be interesting to get an...
Commented on Perl::Critic Has New Home And New Look
The new perlcritic.com interface lost the very useful option of submitting code or code fragment by pasting it in the textarea, instead of uploading a file....
Commented on Things we don't have #1
That's perhaps why byobu (an enhancement for the terminal multiplexers) is written in Python....
Commented on Write GUI faster -> GCL
What about using QML (from Perl)?...
Commented on Compare Git repository viewer, "GitPrep" and "GitLab"
Is GitPrep more of a web repository browsing tool like e.g. gitweb (CGI.pm Perl), cgit (in C) or Gitalist (Catalyst), or repository management / git-based software forge like Gitorious (Ruby), GitHub:FI (Ruby, proprietary) or InDefero (PHP)?...
Commented on Visualizing Dependencies On Stratopan
I wonder if having arrows in appropriate direction when all links are either dependencies or requirements would make it easier to visualize......
Commented on On the removal of some core modules
There is always local::lib for local install...
Commented on Count-up to 100 CPAN Distributions: Test-XML-Ordered, SDLx-Betweener, and more
Why generate a tool to write/generate recursive descent parsers instead of using Marpa and its ecosystem?...
Commented on Sparklines in Excel::Writer::XLSX
Didn't Micro$oft patented sparklines (thanks to broken patent system)?...
Commented on A Marpa paper
Slightly off-topic: I have just read in article about LibreOffice 3.5 that it includes "Lightproof, a language-neutral grammatical analysis tool that is implemented in Python and has a sophisticated regex-based rule system.". I wonder if proper parser would be not...
Commented on On defined(@array) and defined(%hash)
There is always autovivify pragma (usually used as no autovivify 'something') to avoid autovivification......
Commented on QR Code FAQ
Hmmm... would such zigzag be enough taking into account error correction features of QR codes?...
Commented on Marpa and OO
I wonder how in current Marpa::XS, and future Marpa::OO would "code reuse" look like. There are cases where you want to use the same grammar to drive different output, e.g. parse C declaration and: create equivalent of h2xs - convert...
Commented on Developing parsers incrementally with Marpa
I have read it somewhere that C++ has undecidable grammar. Does it mean that it cannot be parsed using Marpa?...
Commented on What! No Lexer?
@Jeffrey: Thanks for response. What would be nice to have is to have among Marpa documentation full example of generating lexer and parses, for example out of description in some Internet RFC (email address perhaps?). BTW. I wonder how hard...
Commented on A new web site for Marpa
By the way, shouldn't Marpa::XS POD include link to said official web site for Marpa? If it is there, and I have just not found it, sorry for confusion....
Commented on What! No Lexer?
Well, I don't know if there is language like BNF / ABNF for describing tokens, or whether BNF can be used for that, but automatic generation of lexer from rules is what I meant when asking about lexer....
Commented on A new web site for Marpa
Very nice! Now only to have something similar for creating tokenizers (lex) like Marpa is for creating parsers (yacc)......
Commented on Perl Calltrace
Or Dir::Self...
Commented on How to parse HTML, part 2
Would parsing C (or at least C declarations), for example to generate bindings to other language, be a good application of Marpa?...
Commented on Dist::Zilla, Pod::Weaver and bin
I wonder if having separate script.sh.pod file with POD would work......
Commented on What is the Marpa algorithm?
Perhaps you could publish your "Ruby Slippers" algorithm too?...
Commented on Marpa v. Perl regexes: some numbers
@Jeffrey Kegler: Could you include loglog plot of results, i.e. logarithmic x axis with size, logarithmic y axis with time (perhaps with more data points than in table). From the slope of lines one can easily read if for given...
Commented on How do you select the best installed version?

Comment Threads
Matt S Trout (mst) commented on
A dream resyntaxed
> versus Ovid saying "a method composed in from a role should not be allowed to access the existing method of a superclass at all"
That was unclear. 'existing/inherited method of the same name' would have been more clear.
Ovid and I have both suffered from the whole "having more passion than social skills" failure mode over the course of this process and clarity about the technical points is important; as such, I apologise to anybody who read that sentence the way I didn't mean and didn't realise was readable thereinto until after I'd already hit Submit.
john napiorkowski commented on
A dream resyntaxed
I still don't get why we are redesigning everything from scratch rather than simple starting with the obvious thing, which is to take Moose (the far and away clear winner on CPAN in terms of popularity and maturity) and just clean it up a bit, perhaps modernize the syntax a little. What we seem to be designing here is something that is vastly different, completely incompatible and yet somehow lacks most of the features I get with Moose already. The main issue with Moose is that since it's not baked into the language it suffers from performance issues and dependency size issues (and due…
Robert commented on
A dream resyntaxed
I will be surprised if any answer is given to your questions. Obviously, they chose not to go the Moose-way but there is a rationale section if you haven't read it:
Mike B commented on
An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
Fun fact: public-inbox is written in Perl!
Dean commented on
An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
Thanks for the link Dragonflydigest https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2022/12/24/lazy-in-other-bsds-reading-for-end-of-2022/

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