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Commented on Test-Simple Release-Candidates
How do alphas reach rc wuithout going through beta? This will go well....
Commented on Tonight’s folly
and for those who dislike map in void context: s/foo/bar/ for (my @new = @old);...
Commented on Tonight’s folly
my @new = map { s/foo/bar/; $_ } @{[@old]}; is also an option, though not a terribly pretty one....
Commented on Tonight’s folly
The problem with /r is that it should really be r// not s//r, Things that are different should look different....
Commented on Tonight’s folly
map { s/foo/bar/ } (my @new = @old); or my @new; map { s/foo/bar/ } (@new = @old); works fine too...
Commented on Tonight’s folly
Finally a use for the /r modifier....
Commented on Data::Dumper Debugging
Toby Inkster: |& is only inherited from csh, |& in ksh is for co-process creation. So the reason people don't reach for it is perhaps because it is non-standard, non-portable and incompatible. And (luckily) not every /bin/sh is a /bin/bash...
Commented on I learn something about tell(), then abuse it.
Or you could have used $fh->input_line_number() instead of $....
Commented on Need IO::Pty help with *BSD/OSX
For at least OpenBSD and NetBSD, there are patches in ports/pkgsrc for IO-Pty/Expect which may be related....
Commented on Create Perl Competition to the PHP Content Management System
Might want to make comparisons to a PHP CMS rather than a blogging platform with some CMS features. WebGUI is more like Drupal than WordPress, which is more like Movable Type. Not sure I would have interest in supporting WebGUI8...
Commented on Watch the secret YAPC::NA live
http://www.yapc.org/ isn't even living in 2014, YAPC::NA and YAPC:EU 2013 are still coming....
Commented on When a failure is not a failure
not running with warnings on? $ perl -Mwarnings -le 'exit 1 ? 2 : 3' ; echo $? Useless use of a constant (2) in void context at -e line 1. Useless use of a constant (3) in void context...
Posted search.cpan.org to James
Where oh where can my search.cpan.org be?
- Posted The Onion to James
Commented on Views in DBIx::Class
Or you could turn off virtual and use an actual SQL view....
Commented on Blast From the Past
Embperl 2.5.0 still hanging out in beta right now....
Commented on Looking at DBI Part 1
DBI shouldn't care about SQL dialects, in fact, quoting from the manual "The DBI itself does not mandate or require any particular language to be used; it is language independent. In ODBC terms, the DBI is in "pass-thru" mode, although...
Commented on A framework for Alien modules (the Alien2 Manifesto)
Since these days, read Linux for Unix, it'll probably have to be de-mangled to work on other unix-y systems too. "Yay" it manually parses pkg-config files, that'll end well....
Commented on The way to write Ruby + Middleman application with Perl.
This is a bit like how Poet works for Mason 2...
Commented on Write GUI faster -> GCL
If we're talking about XML files for building GUIs, there is also Glade for Gtk+. Also Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory or (newer) Gapp, or Tk::QuickTk have similar syntaxes, but I think a less method syntax heavy soluction like Tickit::DSL might be better....
Commented on Planet Moose - August 2013
oh no, not twigils! the name and the idea are both quite horrid....
Commented on shortcomings of perl
Catalyst, Poet/Mason, Dancer, Mojolicious....
Commented on Smoking CPAN in one line
SQLite shouldn't be using exclusive locking for multiple concurrent reads, only writes, surely? Wouldn't excessive locks in SQLite mean time to a database system with a server, not another serverless solution?...
Commented on function return in scalar context
Alternatively you could create attributes with Attribute::Handlers and turn off the redefine warning and create a pair of functions like this (or even three functions, for void context): sub lowercase :Scalar { lc $_[0] } sub lowercase :List { map...
Commented on Firebase with perl
Yeah, I don't think anyone bothers writing official libraries / API wrappers for Perl anymore, so not a surprise....
Commented on A generator object for Perl 5
Another vote for overloading ‘<>’...
Commented on I love pre-modern Perl and so should you, my introduction
The funniest part is that POE often gets thrown into the Modern Perl bag, see Task::Kensho::Async...
Commented on A call to action for CPAN authors
oh, we made a breaking change, and its youuuur fault your code is broken!...
Commented on Recursive deferred promises
Since you're already working with AnyEvent, this functionality can be achieved with Condvars....
Commented on How do we know when a CORE module is deprecated?
So, presuming CGI.pm gets removed, does that mean Plack/PSGI gets added? toby: CGI::PSGI->new($env) returns a CGI::PSGI object that isa CGI...
Comment Threads
fibo commented on
How do we know when a CORE module is deprecated?
Come on, it's not that tragedy. On RedHat perl-CGI is already packaged.
It is not that difficut to include instructions for those who want to port their CGI scripts.
Something like
sudo cpan CGI
will do the trick ;)
I think Perl can move on and remove CGI.pm from core modules.
What it is really missing in the core, in my opinion, are IO::Socket::SSL and Plack.
Look at Node.js core, for example http://nodejs.org/api/tls.html
We need https!
exodist7 commented on
Test-Simple Release-Candidates
Simple terminology issue. On cpan you can release a dist as either indexed (stable/normal) or unindexed (usually denoted via an underscore and a number at the end of the dist version.) I had always seen people call these unindexed dists alphas. I had assumed that was simply the term for it on cpan. I always thought it was funny that there was alpha, but no other designation.
Your comment prompted me to take a look and ask around. Turns out un-indexed are not simply called alphas, which makes more sense. Mistake on my part, I will update my post to change the terminolog…
ben.hengst commented on
Test-Simple Release-Candidates
Awesome work! Thanks for plowing thru all of this for us.
tepaulsen commented on
One-liner XML / Perl / JSON
Mother of god ... It actually worked .. no errors either ..
Philip Durbin commented on
Perl dropped and Go adopted due to concurrency issues in baconbird
This old post of mine was just referenced in a new post by Mario Roy called "STFL Terminal UI - Concurrency Demonstrations" at http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1200923 . Enjoy!
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