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Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
Perl seems to have a choice between certainty and uncertainty, and in this case, I'll pick uncertainty. Certainty is Perl continuing on as it has down the road to irrelevance and stagnation as the population of folks who are still...
Posted CPAN Testers at meta::hack v4 to preaction
For this year's MetaCPAN Hackathon, I decided I wanted to start turning the CPAN Testers mockup I made 3 years ago into a real, working site. Along the way, I built a much better
Commented on I start to write Mojolicious Startup
This is very nice! Mojolicious definitely needs more folks writing about it and introducing it to others, and I'm glad you've become one!...
Commented on New Perl project. Interactive Perl coding tasks to run in the browser
Wow, this is great! It's kind of difficult to type into the input field though: 1. My auto-correct "helped" me by turning $I into $I. This site says that can be turned off by adding autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" to...
Commented on TPF: Perl deserves better. Please do better.
This would work better if you weren't presenting your opinions of what happened as facts. It would also work better if you understood why what happened was a problem. Specifically, you need to understand why it is not simply a...
Posted Slides: A Website for Yancy to preaction
I gave a talk this month to Chicago Perl Mongers about the Mojolicious web framework, the Yancy CMS, the PODViewer…
Commented on Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
MongoDB is not presently a backend for Yancy, no, but Yancy is designed to support document stores like MongoDB in the future (it's why I chose JSON Schema to define the data). If someone were to make a Yancy::Backend::MongoDB (for...
Posted Everyday ETL With Yertl to preaction
I use ETL::Yertl a lot. Despite its present unpolished state, it contains some important, easy-to-use tools that I need to get my work done. For example, this week I got an e-mail from Slaven (a CPAN tester and a tireless reporter of CPAN issues…
Commented on The Future of Perl 5
The big thing I've wanted for a while is native iterables / generators. With native iterables, the while ( defined( my $line = <$fh> ) ) { ... } becomes simply for my $line ( <$fh> ) { ... }...
Commented on Why May 2018 is so special?
Wow! Thanks for all you're doing to help CPAN (and me personally, quite a few times)!...
Posted CPAN Testers at the Perl Toolchain Summit 2018 to preaction
I made a lot of progress on CPAN Testers at this year's Perl Toolchain Summit (PTS). The PTS is an annual event devoted to maintaining and improving the Perl toolchain. The Perl toolchain includes things…
Commented on My report of the Perl Toolchain Summit 2018 in Oslo
The "perl_events" account on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/perl_events/) has photos from all the Perl events. There's a #pts2018 tag for the latest Perl Toolchain Summit, but I can't figure out how to search Instagram for that user and that tag (Instagram seems...
Commented on PrePan
If you haven't heard back about adopting the module, the next step is to CC the PAUSE admins: https://www.cpan.org/misc/cpan-faq.html#How_adopt_module Giving feedback on PrePAN is difficult: Feedback on building good CPAN-style distributions is automated in CPANTS (https://cpants.cpanauthors.org/) and PAUSE itself will...
Commented on Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
I tricked myself: I just wanted to write a JavaScript editor and read an OpenAPI spec and built a CRUD interface. By the time I realized what I was actually building, it was too late....
Commented on Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
To bundle up JS and CSS and other such, I put them all in a resources folder, and then add them to the static file and template lookup paths using __FILE__ and Mojo::File. This is the same thing the Minion...
Posted Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released to preaction
I'm happy to announce the release of version 1 of Yancy, a simple content management system for Mojolicious websites. Yancy is designed to be added to your website to make it easier to develop a web application and…
Posted CPAN Testers at meta::hack v2 to preaction
Two weeks ago, I was invited to meta::hack v2, the second annual MetaCPAN hackathon. As the primary maintainer of CPAN Testers, I went to continue improving the integration of CPAN Testers data with MetaCPAN…
Posted Help CPAN Testers During meta::hack v2 to preaction
Would you like to help CPAN Testers build some new data dashboards and new web applications during meta::hack v2?
Posted Application Metrics with Yertl to preaction
A time series database is a massively useful tool for system reporting timestamps, an ops team can see how fast their application is processing data, how much traffic they're serving, and how many resources they're consuming. From this…
Commented on Perl less buggy than Python?
What numbers and where did you get them? I have some theories as to why this is, and would like to see the sources....
Commented on Log::Any - Now With Structured Logging
The difference between what happens with debug(..., \%href) and debugf(...,\%href) is the formatter callback and what the Adapter object receives: If the adapter implements a specific method (structured), it gets the raw arguments unedited so that it can use its...
Posted Log::Any - Now With Structured Logging to preaction
The first trial release of Log::Any with mephinet's structured and contextual logging support has been released for feedback!
These features make it easier…
Commented on __END__
"No Perl book has been published since 2012" is incorrect. * Learning Perl (7th Edition) by Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom Phoenix: October 2016 * Programming Perl (4th Edition) by Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Larry Wall, Jon...
Posted CPAN Testers Has an API to preaction
[Watch this lightning talk on The Perl Conference YouTube channel]
I've been working on the CPAN Testers project since 2015. In all th…
Posted 2017 Perl Toolchain Summit to preaction
This year I had one goal for CPAN Testers: Replace the current Metabase API with a new API that did not write to Amazon SimpleDB. The current high-availability database that raw incoming test reports are written is…
Posted Timeouts for Parallel::ForkManager to preaction
At tonight's Chicago Perl Mongers Office with an interesting problem. While testing all of CPAN for CPAN Testers, how do you detect when a test is hanging and kill it before…
Posted Choosing a Log Level to preaction
Like all subjective decisions in technology, which log level to use is the cause of much angry debate. Worse, different logging systems use different levels: Log4j has 6 severity levels, and
Commented on Something New Every Day
I only know it because the books I read for Perl 5.6 mentioned the apostrophe as an archaic and now-outdated package separator and admonished me to use double-colon. So, I suspect it is not something everyone knows, but nowadays I...
Commented on Else Clauses on Loops
As far as I know, only Python currently has an explicit for...else syntax. But it doesn't exactly do what you're proposing. Indeed, the else clause runs if the loop completes successfully. So, you skip it by doing break (last to...
Commented on Our Adventures in Logging
Are you going to propose these on the Github project? There are already some enhancement proposals on the Github issues list. For example, your second proposal is https://github.com/preaction/Log-Any/issues/46. Your first proposal is also covered by https://github.com/preaction/Log-Any/issues/46, but Adapters would be...

Comment Threads
Todd Rinaldo commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
By your logic, anything run by a BDFL would be abandoned.
The "B" in "BDFL" stands for benevolent. Neither Sawyer, nor you Todd, exhibit this quality.
Thanks! My comment was not about Perl's governance so much as most other open source projects. Some have a complex governance but the majority are managed by a select few. Isn't this the common case?
shadowcat_mdk commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
Okay there is no +1 on this platform, but this is my +1
shadowcat_mdk commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
it's usually the evolved state. Which is why structural criticism of form sees it as the parochial or abusive state.
It might be so.
However, assuming it to be the implied rather than the assumed (or default) is perhaps a misunderstanding.
the internal sarcasm here is those who wish to rebuild, to evolve, object the changes to the original form. Those who have built and maintained, object to the adherence of a constant, or common, universal state.
Honestly i think Gloucester would be looking sideways at flies, wanton boys and gods right now.
Dean commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
This venue seems as good as any to voice your support for the current "governance model", or your ideas for how it could be remodeled to better serve those few people and businesses still loyal to Perl.
So as a person who has toiled for a foundation that doesnt even extend membership too you, why not support opening TPF up to membership? Who in turn electing board members? Why not support a model that engages with the perl community and the few remaining businesses that rely on perl?
In 2020 aren't there better models for enagement than saying "join this email list and read …
Yuki Kimoto commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
I think the current Perl 7 plan is very heavy for the resources available to the Perl community.
Perl 7 will succeed if many people welcome it and everyone supports it.
However, I think the remaining users of Perl will remain because of the stability of that Perl.
If, in reality, the move to Perl 7 doesn't work, I think it's an opportunity to reconsider adopting "use v7".
I have a very similar thinking of Leon.

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