Nestoria Developer Blog
Following in the footsteps of, NET-A-PORTER and All Around The World I am happy to announce that Nestoria is launching a developer blog as a sister site to our more general company blog.
You can find it here:
Bookmark it, Feedly it, follow it on Tumblr - whatever the kids are doing these days.
As you can see we've already made four posts since we launched on Tuesday, 2 days ago. We don't intend to keep up that kind of pace, but we do intend to post at least once a week on various topics that interest us and we hope will interest you. If you're interested in Perl, Linux, web servers, database servers, JavaScript, testing, mobile web, software development, virtual servers, physical servers, and/or system administration then you should find something interesting in the blog sometime in the coming months :-)
If you want an overview of Nestoria I've actually given quite a bit of information away in an interview I did with Ovid right here on Perl Startups: Lokku/Nestoria.
As a sneak peak one of our next posts on the Nestoria Dev Blog looks like this:

Of course I couldn't give away the winner here - you'll have to read the blog to find out who wins this month's Gittip donation :-)
Please add your developer blog to one of the perl blog aggregators such as or . As that's how I check out Perl blogs instead of using a RSS reader.