Hopefully you've all heard about the amazingly successful CPAN Pull Request Challenge that was run throughout 2015 by Neil Bowers. If not you can read about it here or here. You may also have heard that 2016 is coming in a couple of days, and that Neil is starting up the 2016 Pull Request Challenge.
What you might not know, especially if you didn't take part in the 2015 challenge, i…
I'm happy to announce that, as usual, Nestoria will be sponsoring this year's YAPC::EU in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Also as usual we will be sending along a contingent from our dev team. Other than myself you'll also see Sam, Ignacio and Tim - all of whom have never attended a YAPC before and some of whom have learned Perl quite recently. I'm hoping they are going to get as much out of YAPC as I did at my first one back in 2007.
You can read more - and see some photos so you'll know who to say Hi to - on the Nestoria Dev Blog: ="http://devblog.nestoria.com/post/91342766838/yet-a…
Following in the footsteps of Booking.com, NET-A-PORTER and All Around The World I am happy to announce that Nestoria is launching a developer blog as a sister site to our more general company blog.
You can find it here: http://devblog.nestoria.com.
Bookmark it, Feedly it, follow it on Tumblr - whatever the kids are doing these days.
As you can see we've already made four posts since we launched on Tuesday, 2 days ago. We don't intend to keep up that kind of pace, but we do intend to po…
As part of our eager hunt for new developers I met up a few weeks ago with Ruben from Makers Academy, who told me all about their 12 week intensive web development course. They have a pretty impressive set up: they start courses every 6 weeks and each class is about 20 people, meaning they churn out about 160 new Ruby developers every year!
Given our successful internship program here at Nestoria (which I spoke about at YAPC::EU this year) I've got s…
I've given a couple of presentations recently, and my YAPC::EU talk in particular got some requests for the slides from the audience. I've embedded them below. Enjoy!