YAPC::Europe 2016 Call for Speakers Closes July 15th


Hello YAPC-ers,

Deadline seems to be quickly approaching, the Call for Speakers closes July 15th, 2016. But the good news is that you've got plenty of time to submit, prepare your talk && join us in Transylvania,

So come on, share your experience, amaze us with incredible ideas && practices. We want to have our minds blown about what we had never thought could…

Dates for YAPC::EUROPE 2016


We’re super, su…

Hey, Speaker: Join Cluj.PM #9! Yes, YOU!


Cluj.PM is back in town! After getting back from YAPC::EU 2015, we have a hell of a lot to celebrate: bringing YAPC::EU 2016 to Cluj doesn't happen every day, so let's get together for another round of Perl talks & a social event afterwards on November 19th, 2015, at our usual meeting place: City Plaza Ballroom.

So who's …