YAPC::Europe 2016 Call for Speakers Closes July 15th


Hello YAPC-ers,

Deadline seems to be quickly approaching, the Call for Speakers closes July 15th, 2016. But the good news is that you've got plenty of time to submit, prepare your talk && join us in Transylvania,

So come on, share your experience, amaze us with incredible ideas && practices. We want to have our minds blown about what we had never thought could be possible with Perl. We are looking for talks focused on all parts of Perl.

If you’re looking for inspiration, here it comes: hot Perl topics, hot tech topics (not limited to Perl, necessarily), trends & changes, Perl fundamentals, security, networking, testing, devOps, hardware, big data, Internet of Things, crazy hacks && ideas, gadgets && wearables, community talks, marketing or management talks, UI & UX, outreach programs, start-ups or other ideas you might have. Remember, this is YOUR conference!

And if you're looking for even more precise inspiration, we have it all. Someone's looking for speakers on to discuss high efficiency programming. Individual talks or combinations of data oriented design, choosing efficient algorithms and benchmarking, coding for cache coherence, how the compiler works to inline code for instruction cache performance, etc. Gain inspiration from these talks:

- Getting C++ performance from Java

- Data Oriented Design and C++

- Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures

Deadline to submit proposals: July 15th, 2016. We’re accepting proposals as we go, the first accepted talks have been already announced. Check out the list of talks.

What if you’ve never been a speaker && don’t know how to do it:
We’d say don’t worry, everybody has to start somewhere && moreover, we’re not all naturals. You should’ve seen some of us during our first speaking gigs #ProofMisteriouslyDissapeared, luckily!

Or maybe you think you don’t have anything new or special to speak about. Hey, we’re not all here to reinvent the wheel. And we’re sure you can find a billion reasons not to consider yourself #speaker material.

We’d say don’t worry, again, we can help with just about anything you need: help with ideas (based on your experience, of course), help with presentation structure && speaking tips & tricks, send a bunch of videos showing how conference speaking is done, maybe even set you up with one of the experienced speakers in the #Perl community, for some #coaching sessions.

What do you think? Worth thinking about it, right? For any question, feel free to email us at yapc@cluj.pm, or email Liana, our #speakersBFF for any advice, at liana@cluj.pm

P.S. If you’ve submitted a talk (or more), don’t forget to tweet, post && blog about it using the event hashtag #yapceu2016

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About Amalia

user-pic I blog about Perl events.