CPAN Testers Summary - March 2011 - Hourglass

A relatively quiet month during March, although my thanks go to Leo Lapworth and Dave Cantrell for noticing and reporting bugs in the websites. Feel feel to report bugs you spot on the CPAN Testers websites to me directly (, as if I'm not the person to deal with that particular website, I can re-direct you to the right person. You're also welcome to report bugs on RT, and as I get more of the individual websites on CPAN, it'll be easier to report bugs and feature requests directly for the respective website.

Work has been ongoing with releasing the website code, with the release of CPAN-Testers-WWW-Wiki, which contains the basic code to run the CPAN Testers Wiki. The data that is contained within the website has not been released, though it is available on request if anyone wished to use it. I'm currently working on packaging the CPAN Testers Blog in the same way, and hope to have that released later this month.

Following a disussion with Leo Lapworth and Olaf Alders, I am now looking at providing summary information to feed other sites that wish to display CPAN Tester result summaries for an author or a distribution. Much of the information is already stored internally, to speed up the presentation of pages and the AJAX colour-coded bar charts you see on the left hand panel of pages on the CPAN Testers Reports website. Olaf is looking to use this information for the MetaCPAN project, but eventually authors themselves will be able to add it to their personal blogs or project sites.

This month the 2011 QA Hackathon will be taking place in Amsterdam. The event takes place from Saturday, April 16th to Monday, April 18th 2011, and if you are not already attending, you can log into #perl-qa on IRC to help on projects remotely. There are plans for some work on Metabase and CPAN Testers related projects, as well as many other testing and CPAN projects. As always all participation is very much appreciated by the whole Perl community.

Cross-posted from the CPAN Testers Blog.

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