Image::Magick packaged for Perlbrew and cpanm
Image::Magick is great, but it's a pain to install if you are using perlbrew, or if your system's Image Magick library is out of date. After some googling I found that this was the best technique, but cpanm support is missing, making using Image::Magick very difficult to include in your application's dependencies.
Looks good, ...but...
Comments via your blog are ignored if I choose 'Google Account'. It's very frustrating.
I get this msg as advice (which is good):
perlbrew --force install 5.18.2 -de -Dprefix=/home/ron/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.18.2 -Duseshrplib
But perlbrew rejects it:
ABORT: perl-5.18.2 is already installed.
I tried various combinations of options for perlbrew, but they all failed, mostly for the above reason.
Any other suggestions?
Hum, weird. I blame Google re. my blogs comments.
Strange for perlbrew re-install. --force should do the job.
I've got App::perlbrew/0.67. Try updating yours?
I'm using the same version :-(.