Amazon AWS EC2 and Cluster SSH

Cluster SSH, or its OSX incarnation CsshX are great tool to quickly connect to a collection of machines and issue interactive commands in parallel. You just configure them with a collection of machines called 'clusters', set your .ssh/config correctly for all those boxes and voila, you are now in the matrix.

The problem arise when you run your stuff on Amazon's AWS on EC2 dynamic instances. It's impossible to know at a given time which instances are effectively running, and it makes your cssh (or CsshX) configuration useless.

The good news is, Amazon provides an API to access …

Image::Magick packaged for Perlbrew and cpanm

Image::Magick is great, but it's a pain to install if you are using perlbrew, or if your system's Image Magick library is out of date. After some googling I found that this was the best technique, but cpanm support is missing, making using Image::Magick very difficult to include in your application's dependencies.

Read the rest here.

Blobs in Postgresql with Perl

Are you using, or do you want to use Postgresql Blobs with Perl?

Providing you are in the Moose ecosystem, here is Pg::Blobs. Pg::Blobs is a role that adds blobs handling methods to any Moose based package.

Continued here.

Email::Postman - Yet another email sending package

I know I know, there is Email::Sender, and Mail::Sendmail, the 'send' method of MIME::Lite, Mail::Mailer and probably other ones I don't know about on the CPAN and also the good old pipe to /bin/sendmail trick.

Each of them have their advantages, but none of them actually does what I wanted.

Email::Postman does all the following:

- It can send anything that's compatible with Email::Abstract (MIME::Entity, Email::Simple, rfc822 String, etc..)

- It will manage multiple To, multiple Cc and multiple Bcc nicely.

- It will report on each of the recipients i…

Get a B::Deparse piggy back through Gearmany

Or how to execute arbitrary Perl code using Gearman and B::Deparse.

Perl offers us the flexibility that empowers us to clearly separate code that deals with different concerns.

As developers, we should take advantage of it and build reactive, flexible and generic enough business components.

As an infrastructure developer, I don't really know what people are going to do with gearman, nor should I care too much. I'll introduce an approach that lets me concentrate on what is important: the stability, scalability and the secu…