Exceptional Exceptions
Mark Fowler will be giving a talk at YAPC::NA 2012 described as:
This talk attempts to be the definitive guide to current state of exception handling in Perl
This talk will cover:
* The concept of exceptions and exception flow control
* throwing errors with die
*** The final newline oddity
*** autodie
* eval (it’s pronounced ‘try’)
*** The two forms of eval
*** Dealing with errors
*** How this sucks
* A note about %SIG handlers
*** CGI::Carp
* Throwing Blessed Objects
*** Rolling your own exception class
*** Handy exception object classes on the CPAN
* The DESTROY problem on legacy Perls
*** Why this problem occurs
*** How it’s solved on Perl 5.14 and later
*** Bad workarounds
*** Perl::Critic::Policy::ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval
* Alternative syntax
*** Try::Tiny
*** TryCatch
[From the YAPC::NA Blog.]
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