A Day In The Life Of YAPC::Asia Tokyo Preparation
As I've written in my previous post, we've been making visits to our potential YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011 (Oct 13-15) sponsors for the last few weeks. After today, we only have *one* more visit that we need to make our potential sponsors for YAPC::Asia. Here's a picture from today's visit.
As you can see, we have last year's YAPC::Asia Tokyo pamphlet, and we're discussing how this sponsor (who shall remain nameless for now) can make the most out of their presence at YAPC::Asia Tokyo.
It's always a nice idea to bring stuff (novelties, pamphlets, time-schedules) from previous YAPCs, as not all potential sponsors share the same image of how a YAPC sponsor ought to help / take advantage of the event.
This year we -- well, actually, "I" -- learned something from YAPC::NA, which is the talks in between the Lightning Talks, and we're offering our sponsors to use that time to make any announcements or to advertise their products, so we've been explaining them how to use that time slot.
941-san and I visited about 20 or so potential sponsors. 941-san did most of the talk, and the response that we got was pretty awesome. Sponsors that have already given us the official go are listed on our site, but we still have a few more to come. Stay tuned :)
There is nothing like meeting face to face. A big investment but building long term relationships is important. If I may say: Great work!