Monthly Report - July

Survived another month?

God, the year 2020 seems never ending. I just pray it gets over quickly and we start fresh with new year 2021. Unfortunately we have to wait for another 5 months. In the current situation, anything can happen in this period. Please stay safe and avoid unnecessary human contacts.

So what was the main attraction of last month?

Well, quite a few, to begin with, I submitted 12 Pull Requests which is much better than the month before i.e. 9 Pull Requests. I remember there was time when I used to submit at least 50 PR every month. I aim to do at least 1 PR every 2 days i.e. 15 PR every month. Unfortunately I have only managed to do that in January i.e. 22 Pull Requests. I did come close to the target in two months e.g. May (13 Pull Requests) and July (12 Pull Requests). I am going to keep trying hard. Wish me luck.

I would like to talk about my participation to the Pull Request Club contributions. Ever since I joined i.e. January 2019, I have never missed a single month. As of today, I have submitted 20 Pull Requests to 20 different distributions. Of those 10 have been accepted and merged. There are 9 PR still open and 1 closed without merge. So overall 50% success rate, not a bad attempt so far.

I have started playing with Swift programming language recently. I even contributed to some of the easier tasks of Perl Weekly Challenge in Swift language. I hope to continue my journey. I will share more about it next month.

I have been editing Perl Weekly newsletter for more than 2 years now. When I joined the team of editors, apart from Chief Editor, Gabor Szabo, there were 4 other co-editors i.e. Yanick Champoux (63 issues), Neil Bowers (55 issues), D Ruth Holloway (19 issues) and Upasana Shukla (11 issues). I told myself at that time, I want to be second in the list as far as total number of issues are concerned. Luckily with the release of Issue 468, I have now gone past Neil Bowers. There is still one more co-editor between Gabor and I. As of today, I have edited 57 issues, not too far behind Yanick Champoux. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

As some of you know that I have recently started working on Monthly Interview series for The launch interview was published on 15th June 2020 with the Gabor Szabo. I have completed the first draft of the second interview in the series. It is currently being in the final stage. I was hoping it to be publish in July itself but missed the target. Never mind. I have already started working on my third interview.

Last but not the least, I wish all my friends and families, a very happy Eid_al-Adha (festival of sacrifice)

Let's take a quick look through last month main activities.

Pull Request

12 Pull Requests submitted in the month of July.

2327 Pull Requests altogether.

Git Commits

693 commits recorded in the month of July.

Overall 4624 commits recorded in the year 2020.

Perl Weekly Challenge

Following Perl Weekly Challenges proposed in the month of July

And RECAPS are listed as below:

YouTube Channel

There are plenty of vides available on my YouTube Channel. If you like the video then please do subscribe to my channel so that you don't miss the weekly fun live coding videos.

Following videos created during the month of July.

Meet The Champion

Last month, we declared Mark Anderson as the Champion of the Weekly Challenge.

If you are interested in past champions interview then you can find it all here.

Pull Request Club

Last month, I received Lingua::EN::Numbers by Neil Bowers. I submitted one Pull Request.

Perl Blog

Last month, I blogged about the following topics.

Perl Weekly Newsletter

Last month, I edited two editions of The Perl Weekly newsletter i.e. Issue #468 and Issue #470.

Adopt CPAN Module

None in the last month.

1 Comment

Thanks again for organizing PWC. We have coincidentally started a new language (Lisp and Swift) together last week.

I also hope I might share more Lisp solutions in some past challenges. (Keep contributing as a "guest language" for latest tasks, of course.)

By the way, inspired by you and a few other programmers, I have also started to write monthly reviews (they are on a blog of my mother tongue, ooops). They are logs for enhancing productivity -- a concept which many pro programmers emphasize. Thanks, again!

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About Mohammad S Anwar

user-pic CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Father of 3 angels. Indian by birth, British by choice.