September 2010 Archives

You've Come a Long Way, Baby.

We use a mix of RHEL 5.3 and CentOS 5.3 at work. We've been using Perl 5.8.8 since we moved to this OS from RHEL 4. We have talked about upgrading the version of Perl in the past but just now have the time to do so. After discussing it with the team, it was agreed that we would leave Perl 5.8.8 alone so that we did not have to muck with the OS at all. We are already putting our software into /opt so putting Perl there also makes sense (plenty of disk space to spare).

To get things started, I grabbed a list of our current 5.8.8 modules.

/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils…

About Mr. Muskrat

user-pic I'm married with 2 girls. By day, I work as a Senior Design Engineer (full time Perl programmer) for EFJohnson Technologies, a Land Mobile Radio company, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. By night, I play various games as the mood strikes me. (Lately it's CPAN smoke testing.)