October 2010 Archives

Remove a Git Tag From Github When There is Also a Branch of the Same Name

I have been using git and Github off and on for a while now but I’ve never really learned much about it.

Today, I mistakenly added a tag with the same name as a branch and pushed it to Github. I was able to get rid of it locally but I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out to remove it from Github. I finally stumbled on the solution so here is what I learned.

Removing a git tag:

git tag -d <tag>

Removing a git branch:

git branch -d <branch>

Deleting a tag or branch from Github:

git push origin :<tag or branch>

Deleting a tag (with the same name as a branch) from Github:

git push origin :refs/tags/<tag>

Deleting a branch (with the same name as a tag) from Github:

git push origin :refs/heads/<branch>

PostgreSQL Conference West 2010

I will be attending the PostgreSQL Conference West 2010 at the Sir Francis Drake hotel in San Francisco from November 2nd to 4th. I'm waiting to hear back from the travel agency to see when I'm flying out of and arriving back at D/FW.

The Lacuna Expanse

So I heard about The Lacuna Expanse http://www.lacunaexpanse.com here on blogs.perl.org the other day when Jesse Thompson posted about it. It's a "massively multiplayer strategic empire simulator" written in Perl.

I started playing last night after work. I choose the rather unimaginative empire name of "Mr. Muskrat's Empire". I renamed my colony "Luas".

The GUI is very polished looking. The graphics are very detailed for a browser-based game. You have multiple zoom levels to choose from. I typically keep it zoomed all the way out unless I want to the see new details of buildings as they are upgraded.

They are running three contests (at last count). I entered the volcano contest and already received my volcano! I won't tell you what it does but you might want to enter fast before all ten are gone. I am entering a second one as I type this up; I want the Kalavian Ruins because they look a lot like the Colosseum (and I really want to know what they do).

So head over to http://www.lacunaexpanse.com and sign up for your free account and begin playing. Then head over the forums http://community.lacunaexpanse.com/forums and find out how to enter the contests.

About Mr. Muskrat

user-pic I'm married with 2 girls. By day, I work as a Senior Design Engineer (full time Perl programmer) for EFJohnson Technologies, a Land Mobile Radio company, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. By night, I play various games as the mood strikes me. (Lately it's CPAN smoke testing.)