Why you should create CPAN distros

On Tuesday, February 23rd, Jeff Thalhammer will speak on why you should create CPAN distros, even for proprietary code. He has worked on worked on several projects where all the private code was organized into CPAN-style distros, and then injected into a local copy of CPAN. They then used the CPAN tool chain to manage the entire build, test, and release process. Jeff Thalhammer's CPAN page: http://search.cpan.org/~thaljef/ Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce RSVP at Meetup - http://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Perl-Mongers/calendar/12509158/


I hope this meetup can be recorded, or at least the slides made available. This is exactly the strategy I am advocating for at my current job and could use a bit of help (like people other than me saying this is the best way :) )


It's a good idea, *but* (and there's always a but) the CPAN toolchain lacks a very important feature: you can't easily uninstall stuff. Using a private CPAN-a-like *is* still a good idea, but is best used as a way of making developers' lives easier and feeding things to your OS's native package management system, and not as a way of installing stuff to the live environment.

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