This week in PSC (159) | 2024-09-05

All present, and this time the meeting actually ended on time.

  • We discussed the situation with the apostrophe package separator removal. We continue to keep an eye on things but it now feels close to inevitable that we will use a feature to disable it conditionally.
  • We briefly touched on the removal of smartmatch, where both the extent of the situation and our thoughts so far are much less clear.
  • Connected to all that, we discussed some general thoughts on how not to keep finding ourselves in the same situation with changes like this, but found we probably already have all the mechanisms we need.
  • We decided that the provisions of the PPC process are the right way for pre-PPC “Signature named parameters” to play out so it has now become PPC 0024 with status “Exploratory”.
  • We took another brief look at the closure memory leak which is now #22547 and resolved to prepare to put down a consensus next time we meet.

[P5P posting of this summary]

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