Resolving non-perl dependencies for perl modules in Debian/Ubuntu
One of the things developers often struggle with is dependency resolution.
For example:
cpanm WWW::Curl::Easy -v.....
Configuring WWW-Curl-4.15 ... Locating required external dependency bin:curl-config... missing.
Unresolvable missing external dependency.
Please install 'curl-config' seperately and try again.
NA: Unable to build distribution on this platform.
This used to set me on a wild google chase, nowadays I just go to:
Keyword: curl-config
Radio button: packages that contain files named like this, search
Bingo! There's three choices, 'libcurl4-openssl-dev' looks good for my purposes ( the others are other SSL implementations for curl )
apt-get install it, retry WWW::Curl::Easy, and it works this time.
$ dh-make-perl --build --cpan WWW::Curl::Easy # should take care of this, no?