My January's Pull Request Challenge (part 2)
In the previous post I discussed my January Pull Request Challenge contribution. It's only part 1 because there's another part: the contributions others made during their PRC which were related to projects I'm in charge of.
I selfishly apply the "My January's Pull Request Challenge" label on changes others made to code I'm responsible for because it's part of my experience too, and it's this experience I want to share.
David Pottage received Module::Starter, which is still under my wing. Module::Starter has accumulated many issues (both on RT and Github) and needed more care and love than I had time for.
David contacted me asking for suggestions for topics to work on. He looked into several issues and decided to dive in. The first issue he fixed was the tracker meta data. Module::Starter was on Github but many tickets were opened in RT because the repository meta data was incorrect. David remedied it and prompted me to move the existing tickets to Github. Done.
Then David followed up with no less than six additional pull requests, solving issues and adding features. Wow. The work David has done for Module::Starter in a single month has been so great it left me in awe.
The Pull Request Challenge is not just about socializing, communicating, and providing an opportunity for developers to improve and contribute, but also to improve the state of important projects that need it. By the same token, the PRC is not just about improving the state of important projects that need it, it is also about socializing, communicating, and providing an opportunity for developers to improve and contribute.
Thank you, David, and thank you, Neil, who started this crazy adventure! :)
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