Dancer2 0.160000 en route to CPAN!

Hi everyone,

I am proud to announce another release of Dancer2, carrying many changes and improvements, with 9 contributors and 21 tickets closed[1].

This release carries the following major changes:

* Workaround for multiple plugins with hooks.
* "send_file" is asynchronous by default. Fallback to synchronous.
* "prefix" now supports the entire route path spec ("/:var" now works in prefix).
* Clear up prefix inconsistencies ("/var" vs. "/var/").
* Proper package reported in logging.

Thank you to everyone involved in this release, whether working on an issue or helping raise them and debug them, especially the following people (in order of appearance in the Changelog):

cdmalon, Russell Jenkins, Alberto Simões, Sawyer X, Chenchen Zhao, Sakshee Vijayvargia, Andrew Solomon, David Zurborg, and valerycodes.

The full Changelog for this release:

* GH #868: Fix incorrect access name in $error->throw. (cdmalon)
* GH #879, #883: Fix version numbering in packaging and tests.
(Russell Jenkins)
* File serving (send_file) won't call serializer. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #892, #510: Workaround for multiple plugins with hooks.
(Russell Jenkins, Alberto Simões)
* GH #558: Remove "prefix" inconsistency with possibly missing postfixed
forward slash. (Sawyer X)

* GH #816, #874 Document session engine changes in migration documentation.
(Chenchen Zhao)
* GH #866, #870: Clarify that you cannot forward to a static file, why,
and two different ways of accomplishing it without forward.
(Sakshee Vijayvargia)
* GH #878: Rework example for optional named matching due to operator
precedence. (Andrew Solomon)
* GH #844: Document Simple session backend is the default. (Sawyer X)

* GH #869: Streaming file serving (send_file). (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #793: "prefix" now supports the path definition spec. (Sawyer X)
* GH #817, #845: Route spec under a prefix doesn't need to start with
a slash (but must without a prefix).
(Sawyer X, Russell Jenkins)
* GH #871: Use instead of eval with Dancer2::Serializer::Dumper.
(David Zurborg)
* GH #880: Reduce and cleanup different logging calls in order to handle
the stack frames traceback for logging classes. (Russell Jenkins)
* GH #857, #875: When failing to render in Template::Toolkit, make the
error reflect it's a TT error, not an internal one.

on behalf of the Dancer core developers team.

[1] Only 20 tickets mentioned in the Changelog itself.

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About Sawyer X

user-pic Gots to do the bloggingz