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Recent Actions
Commented on Perl Regular Expression Awesomeness
\G is documented in Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey Friedl, published in 2006, as being supported by Perl, .NET, and Java, as well as PHP and Ruby, with the latter two having slightly different semantics (which make them less useful...
Posted Nóirín Plunkett to patch
I'm sad to report that Nóirín Plunkett has passed away. Many in the Perl community knew them as a speaker and participant at YAPC::NA 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin, and YAPC::EU 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as other conferences including Open Source Bridge, OSCON, and ApacheConf.
Commented on New York City Perl Hackathon 2015
Here’s the Meetup event: New York City Perl Hackathon 2015...
Commented on A survey of table rendering packages
Text::UnicodeBox::Table originated at Shutterstock a few years ago and is used in the Perl-based MySQL command-line client App::AltSQL. I’ve only personally used it as a user of altsql, but it works well for that. It doesn’t always use the correct...
Commented on How does <email>@cpan.org work?
More and more frequently I don't receive expected mail to my cpan.org email address. In fact, the only reason it took me so long to respond is because I forgot my new blogs.perl.org password and the cpan.org spam filter was...
Commented on Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
Note that \d specifically matches characters with the Unicode General_Category property value Decimal_Number (a.k.a. Nd and Digit), not everything with the Number value (a.k.a. N), and nothing with the Letter_Number value (a.k.a. Nl) which you linked to. By the way,...
Commented on Follow Ovid on twitter
Ovid's button seems to work, although I'm already following him. On hover, it displays "You are following @OvidPerl on Twitter". The link from brian is just to his Twitter page and doesn't do anything fancy....
Commented on Release a new distribution every month in 2014
I have a list of 77 distributions that I'd like to create (32 Lingua, 10 Unicode, 4 Regexp, 4 Test, etc.), but I'll probably release a maximum of 4 new distributions in 2014. The reason is that I need to...
Commented on We’re pleased to announce that Shutterstock has become...
We list our open source projects at code.shutterstock.com. Search the page for "perl" because we have projects in other languages too....
Commented on A convention for Changes files
Another standardized format that some people use, although not a standardized changelog format, is YAML. Most notably, Ingy uses it for has many distributions (for example, Test::Base). Although I've used YAML for changelogs in the past, I personally follow CPAN::Changes::Spec...
Commented on I translate "Modern Perl Writing Style" to English
jnap, one important note about autodie: I wouldn't recommend using any version before v2.12, released in June 2012, because of a serious bug that prohibits its use with the open pragma, the PERL_UNICODE environment variable, and various CPAN modules including...
Commented on Proposal: elseif be an alias for elsif (as in foreach and for)
If I didn't know better, this page would lead me to believe that elseif exists in Perl: http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/elseif.html...
Commented on shortcomings of perl
vsespb: I'd have to disagree about this being a "special area of natural language processing" and not a "'typical' application". Maybe Thai isn't the best example because it's so foreign to most Westerners. The reason I used it is because...
Commented on shortcomings of perl
john: Do you consider the topic of grapheme clusters to be esoteric? Although there's poor knowledge on the topic among programmers in general, I think it's something that every programmer who works with strings should know. I've been doing my...
Commented on shortcomings of perl
Toby: I wouldn't recommend underestimating PHP. Even though the mb_* functions from 4.0.3 aren't widely used, neither is \p nor \X in Perl and these are all very important features. The fact that they exist is what's important to these...
Commented on shortcomings of perl
Gabor, vsespb: Python's regex engine doesn't support Unicode properties (\p) or grapheme clusters (\X). The lack of either one is a complete showstopper for me. Ruby 1.9 at least supports \p but only for two properties (General_Category and Script) plus...
Commented on shortcomings of perl
I agree about Unicode support. Perl has the best Unicode support of any language and that is the top reason I use it as an internationalization developer. I don't see any other dynamic language as a viable alternative for the...
Commented on function return in scalar context
perlfunc on map: In scalar context, returns the total number of elements so generated. perlfunc on grep: In scalar context, returns the number of times the expression was true....
Commented on patch -p0
What an honor! :)...
Commented on Improved autobox-ing. I'm loving it :o)
You said that “(^10) is not as self-explanatory”. It’s not without understanding the fundamentals of Perl 6, like the operators, which are needed in order to program in the language or understand the code. Just like Perl 5 or Ruby...
Commented on Improved autobox-ing. I'm loving it :o)
I hadn't criticized the syntax, but I do have an example of something I'm not fond of and a reason why. I find the use of chained method calls without parens to be jarring. (0..9)->grep { $_ > 5 }...
Commented on Why you don't need File::Slurp…
If I recall, File::Slurp had issues with the PerlIO :encoding layer and required manual decoding of the slurped data instead, which is why I have avoided it. Not sure if this is still an issue....
Commented on Improved autobox-ing. I'm loving it :o)
Fortunately, TIMTOWTDI! say (0..9).grep({ $_ > 5 }).map({ $_ * 2 }).join(' - ');...
Commented on Improved autobox-ing. I'm loving it :o)
You'd probably like the Perl 6 solution: say (^10).grep(* > 5).map(* * 2).join(' - '); However, I'd put all of these options into the category of fun and elegant code that I wouldn't release to production....
Commented on Perl5 Census Japan 2013
This is really interesting. I haven't used gvis before but I'll need to check it out. Thanks!...
Commented on Thank you Ack!
FYI, you can optionally use \P{ASCII} instead of [^[:ascii:]] and \p{Lu} instead of \p{Upper}. The ASCII one is clearly more readable and they’re both less characters to type for one-liners. Lu and Upper are both just abbreviations for Uppercase_Letter....
Commented on Slideshare? Really?
My biggest problem with SlideShare is that it corrupts Unicode characters in my PDF presentations that it doesn't understand, violating Unicode Conformance Requirement C7. This is a problem for Unicode 6.0 characters, possibly older versions too, and is most noticeable...
Commented on Pod to HTML
Jakob, Joel: Additionally, I’ve read in the colophon of multiple O’Reilly books that they were written in Pod—or an extended version of Pod—and given to the publisher in that format. I’d be surprised to see this done in Markdown without...
Commented on Think Python, But Perl 6 - Chapter 3: Functions
@Brian: When using fixed-width fonts, some characters may take more or less than one column to display, such as some control characters and East Asian characters. This is described in UAX #11: East Asian Width. Perl 6 doesn't have a...
Commented on Prototype changes across Perl release boundaries
Why not use the \@ prototype for all versions of Perl since it continues to be backward compatible? The reason the + prototype was added was to support the new functionality of each, where the value may be an array...

Comment Threads
boczpeter commented on
A survey of table rendering packages
https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnatUdLv9ZJjvWwae0HYy5fKgybDchN5Nk commented on
Perl Has No Static Code Analysis Tools?
I added B::Lint and Perl::Lint as alternatives on the Perl::Critic wikipedia page.
Charlie Gonzalez commented on
New York City Perl Hackathon 2015
Thanks Nick. I updated the post with registration information since Perl Weekly is already pointing to this page.
suspendedlight commented on
Deprecated not depreciated
@Jason you are my legend, I created an account to post this! The articles claiming deprecated was the correct use for Software nearly had me doubting myself!! Thanks for the clear breakdown and analysis, you legend!
Paul Johnson commented on
Deprecated not depreciated
Great. So now that's sorted perhaps we can move on to letting people know that "performant" isn't a word.
OK, yes, it is, but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

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