Martin McGrath
- About: Likes to use perl to solve problems
Recent Actions
Commented on New feature: HTTPS support
Great stuff!...
- Posted Possible security problem in CPAN modules / Zlib CVE-2018-25032 to Martin McGrath
Posted rt.cpan.org to remain online to Martin McGrath
Despite rt.cpan.org still displaying the sunset message, it is in fact not going away forever on the 1st of March, but will have an 'extended downtime' while it is moved elsewhere. In future it'd be nice if communications of such things, and even allowing others to have a say on…
- Posted Regarding the closure of rt.cpan to Martin McGrath
Commented on A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
Submitted a couple of comments which were held for moderation, I'll try with a different URL. Thanks for this, but is the closure definitely happening? See https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11125896...
Commented on A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
My comment seems not to be showing up, once more with feeling. Thanks, however is rt.cpan definitely going away? This seems to suggest otherwise: https://perl.topicbox.com/groups/infrastructure/Te92859202f730470...
Commented on A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
Thanks for the effort, but is rt.cpan being migrated elsewhere rather this being sunset? This thread seems to suggest that this is the case: https://perl.topicbox.com/groups/infrastructure/Te92859202f730470...
Commented on Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon?
Mark, many thanks for dealing with this....
Commented on Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon?
There was one listed in that open issue, which no longer seems to work....
Posted Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon? to Martin McGrath
Throwing this one out to the wider community, if anyone can assist in adding https support to strawberryperl.com that'd be great, with browsers and corporate firewalls moving towards a stricter mode of operation. An existing issue is
Commented on Why I don't try the Perl Weekly Challenges
The point of perl weekly challenges is quite well defined on their site. None of it is intentionally designed to make people feel bad about not being able to tackle a challenge. The barrier for participation is what, able to...
Commented on Why I don't try the Perl Weekly Challenges
The site does not state that every challenge is achievable by every skill level. The site does state that 'if you need help just request a "mentor" and we will provide one. This will be private between you and the...
Commented on Call for volunteers to update OWASP Perl Wiki
Hi Charlie, do you a rough idea how long account requests take to process for the OWASP wiki?...
Commented on The SSL certificate of the domain of the Perl 5 repository has expired
Reported the issue, a resolution is being worked on....
Posted The Perl Conference - Glasgow 2018 - Individual videos now live to Martin McGrath
Thanks to the hard work of Shadowcat Systems, the individual videos are now available:
cPanel Theatre
Posted The Perl Conference - Glasgow 2018 - A summary to Martin McGrath
I was lucky enough to attend TPC 2018 (my first perl conference), mostly because it was in Glasgow, my home town. This was a very busy week, the conference started on the first day of school (ever for my kids!) so I…
Commented on perldoc.pl now powered by Elasticsearch
So I reached out to the perl noc team, asking that since perldoc.perl.org seemed to be drifting would there be any merit in recommending/adopting (via redirect) perldoc.pl. The answer came back that the maintainers are working on some big update....
Commented on perldoc.pl - A new way to perldoc
This looks really cool, thanks for all your efforts....

Comment Threads
Toby Inkster commented on
A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
Some issues seem missing. If you look at https://rt-cpan.github.io/Public/Dist/Type-Tiny/Active/ then try clicking on the links. The first one is broken, but the others work.
Toby Inkster commented on
A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
Also click on the "URI-duri" link from https://rt-cpan.github.io/Public/Dist/ByMaintainer/TOBYINK/
Lee J commented on
A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
The missing bugs are those referenced after I did the first mass download and is explained by https://github.com/rt-cpan/rt-cpan.github.io/blob/master/bin/get_all_bugs.sh#L13 # I will be doing another update at the end of Feb to get those.
The second issue is that I haven't cleaned up links in author pages that refer to dists that have no bugs - again I will fix those later. If a dist has no active/resolved/rejected bugs then those are invalid links (I may just add a custom 404 page).
Lee J commented on
A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
I have no involvement or idea about any ongoing plan for keeping rt.cpan.org up - I only created this archive for my own purposes (as per the README) but have made it publically available as that seems like a useful thing to do.
Robert asked my if I would be OK with it being the official static archive, which I said is fine but bear in mind the caveats (again, as per the README).
Neil Bowers commented on
New feature: HTTPS support
Thanks for doing this Aristotle!

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.