Jesse Thompson
Recent Actions
Commented on When rand isn't random
Ack, bit by this in mod_perl 2.0.8! The PerlChildInitHandler workaround seems to solve my problem....
Posted Perl Koding to Jesse Thompson
Ever seince I started using a Chromebook I have been interested in the concept of cloud-based IDEs for development. I am disappointed with Codenvy.com's lack of Perl support in their runtime containers and IDE, but it's technically possible to develop Perl apps on their platform.
I recent…
Commented on Reflecting on YAPC::NA 2012
I’m watching your XS talk now. You are a great presenter. I hope that you give talks at future YAPCs, and more importantly, that you teach Perl to your future undergrads!...
Commented on cpanm --makepl_args ?
Nope. I forked cpanm....
Commented on Vim vs Emacs
Sounds like Emacs is giving up before the fight is even started :-)...
Commented on Perl Has No Static Code Analysis Tools?
Yes, well, the more editors we have, the more "notable" the topic will be in wikipedia. :-) I made a few edits, and it appears that a bunch of others did too, so it appears that we've been successful in...
Commented on Perl Has No Static Code Analysis Tools?
There are lots of other tools that are just links to external sites, so their criteria is bunk. At least now the links to critic and padre go to articles now. So, we should be in good shape now. Content...
Posted Perl Has No Static Code Analysis Tools? to Jesse Thompson
Don't believe what you read on the Internet.
Despite what Wikipedia says - Wikipedia's List of tools for static code analysis - Perl has plenty of tools for static code analysis.
Posted Perl in the News to Jesse Thompson
Perl FTW (open source implementation of Apple AirPort Express)
Posted Adding Version Control Sanity to Solaris logadm to Jesse Thompson
However, there is one big drawback to logadm. Whenever it runs, it stores a timestamp fo…
Posted Perl-based Massively Multiplayer Online Game to Jesse Thompson
JT Smith and his crew have created a massively multiplayer online game called the Lacuna Expanse. The game is great, but the coolest part is that the back-end is written entirely with Perl!
Commented on CPAN Search Dependents
Right. We will need other metrics to properly gauge the overall popularity of all modules. Context matters as well....
Commented on CPAN Search Dependents
Pedro's misunderstanding points out that the dependent vs. dependency distinction is too subtle and likely lost in translation. I will try to find better phrasing....
Posted CPAN Search Dependents to Jesse Thompson
When I search CPAN, I frequently find it hard to tell which modules to choose. Unless my needs are very specialized, there can be lots of modules that do what I need. But how would I know which module is best to choose?
One factor that can help me decide is the number of CPAN dependents …
Commented on Powered by mod_perl
I wonder who will be detecting this header? Perhaps web developers who want to know what technology is being used to run your awesome web app would look. it's not a great idea volunteering too much extra information I...
Posted Powered by mod_perl to Jesse Thompson
Here's a quick and easy way for you to subtly advertise your use of mod_perl.
Add this to your Apache conf.
Header add X-Powered-By mod_perl/2.0
You should be able to add it to any appropriate section or directive. I added it …
Posted Powered by mod_perl to Jesse Thompson
Here's a quick and easy way for you to advertise your use of mod_perl.
Add this to your Apache conf.
Header add X-Powered-By mod_perl/2.0
You should be able to add it to any appropriate section or directive. I added it right…
Posted Perl 12 to Jesse Thompson
Many people are saying that Perl 5 should be renamed. I disagree. Perl is Perl. That's what makes it great. However, I agree that the 5.x version naming is a burden for people who want to advocate the modern relevance of Perl. So, why don't we just drop the "5."?
Perl 12. The curre…
Commented on What would you like TPF to do?
Should TPF be involved in actively promoting Perl? Perhaps TPF could start by cleaning up the things that hinder the community's promotion of Perl. A start: - convince the maintainer of www.cpan.org to bring the style into this millennium -...
Commented on Installing Deviant OpenSSL XS Modules
The +LIBS="" idea seems interesting. What about a LIBS+="", for appending, as well?...
Posted cpanm --makepl_args ? to Jesse Thompson
As a follow-up to one of issues I raised in Installing Deviant OpenSSL XS Modules, I sought out to determine how difficult it would be pass makepl_args (arguments for Makefile.PL) to
Posted Installing Deviant OpenSSL XS Modules to Jesse Thompson
Installing XS modules that link to OpenSSL can be tricky if you don't have OpenSSL installed in the normal place. I'm using Solaris 10, and I have OpenSSL installed in /usr/sfw.
I was having a problem getting Crypt::OpenSSL::Random, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, Crypt::OpenSSL::DSA and Crypt::Open…
Posted Using App::cpanminus and PerlGcc to Install CPAN Modules on Solaris 10 to Jesse Thompson
If you have had the [dis]pleasure of deploying perl applications on Solaris, you probably have scores of tricks up your sleeve for installing pesky Perl modules. I find it necessary that application installations be scripted so I try to avoid anything that requires manual intervention.
Posted Script vs. Simple Application to Jesse Thompson
I find myself in the habit of saying that I will write a "script" as opposed to an "application" or a "program." I suppose that my habit of saying "script" has roots in procedural language design. Although I still have a habit of saying "script" even if I write an OO application.
Commented on The face of the CPAN
I definitely agree that search.cpan.org presents a better first impression than www.cpan.org. However, it lacks content, such as the description of the CPAN, and there are no links to the other CPAN/Perl sites. Maybe the question should be whether usefulness...
Posted The face of the CPAN to Jesse Thompson
One of the things that people were emphasizing at YAPC::NA::2010 was the importance of marketing and framing Perl. Another thing we learned is that the CPAN is the "language" for our Perl "virtual machine."
If you were telling a novice Perl developer about the CPAN, which web site would…

Comment Threads
prakash commented on
Vim vs Emacs
Most emacs users that I know of aren't interested in such flame wars.
Steven Haryanto commented on
Vim vs Emacs
Woosh :)
But I seriously hope this won't turn into a real flame war. Good luck with the show!
Sawyer X commented on
Reflecting on YAPC::NA 2012
Dude, you’re awesome! :)
Joel Berger commented on
Reflecting on YAPC::NA 2012
Thanks to you both, and thank Mithaldu for grabbing one of my vids; I can’t wait to see the other one once it becomes available!
https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnatUdLv9ZJjvWwae0HYy5fKgybDchN5Nk commented on
Perl Has No Static Code Analysis Tools?
I added B::Lint and Perl::Lint as alternatives on the Perl::Critic wikipedia page.

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