Adam Kennedy
- Website: ali.as/
Recent Actions
Commented on Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
You know you have commit to the repository right?...
Posted ADAMK::Release - Halfway between SVN and GitHub to Adam Kennedy
When it comes to repository structure, my philosophy has always been that you should have as few files as possible with as little redundant information as possible, but all files that are in the repository should end up in the final tarball, and all content be identical to what ends up in the…
Posted Moving PPI to GitHub encourages some new activity to Adam Kennedy
With the increased number of module takeover requests I've been seeing in the second half of the year, I've been under increased pressure to put more serious efforts into moving my modules to GitHub.
Over the last few weeks I've been writing wrapper code around svn2git and doing some bulk …
Commented on Using Padre for the first time
Out of curiosity, installed via CPAN or installed via OS package?...
Commented on Finally starting the move to GitHub with GitHub::Extract
@Mithaldu I don't have time to discuss it on IRC at the moment, but I'd love to see a blog post or a write up on why those two clients are problematic....
Posted Finally starting the move to GitHub with GitHub::Extract to Adam Kennedy
I am, somewhat famously, one of the last holdouts in the Perl community when it comes to moving away from svn to git.
I fought against the most for a long time, on the basis that the tool support for git on Windows was just terrible and it would make contributing to Perl difficult for Wind…
Posted The return of CPANDB and the (alpha) Top 100 website to Adam Kennedy
It's been a while since I've posted anything about Perl.
It's been a while since I've written much Perl as well, looking at my CPAN page shows a long gap since I moved over to America (and the Microsoft stack) to work at Kaggle.
The break has caused…
Posted Partially leaving Perl to change the world with Kaggle to Adam Kennedy
As some of you may be aware, the last few months have seen a dramatic change to my life.
Since I've been largely incommunicado over this period and have only just started to get in control of these changes, I thought I should take the time to explain my new situation and the impact on my P…
Commented on Strawberry Perl released
It's always been a "they" for the record, it's just that the the majority of the work on the release builder itself has moved through different primary maintainers. I haven't had that job in a while, but I try to...
Commented on Strawberry Perl released
The website is maintained in the same repository as Strawberry Perl itself. http://svn.ali.as/cpan/websites/strawberryperl.com/ Not only that, it appears you have commit to the website already. I've told the repository to generate a new password and resend it to you....
Posted Next DBD::SQLite to be released in early June to Adam Kennedy
The final developer release of the current DBD::SQLite has been posted to CPAN.
The new release upgrades SQLite from 3.7.9 to 3.7.12 and the upgrade of DBD::SQLite is i…
- Posted Seeking someone to host CPANDB::Generate to Adam Kennedy
Commented on Let Paths Be Paths Again
I'm pretty sure this exists already, although for the life of me I can't recall a specific module name. I know that I've personally written it as a utility function within some larger module four or five times. (The one...
Commented on The new ORLite 2.0 learns some amazing SQLite tricks
Robert: Incorrect! The magic of the new rowid logic means that both update and delete on a single object will ALWAYS update or delete one and only one object. To remove both you would either iterate and delete, or do...
Posted The new ORLite 2.0 learns some amazing SQLite tricks to Adam Kennedy
ORLite is a light weight SQLite-specific ORM which is particularly handy for working with ad-hoc SQLite database and creating internal database APIs for large applications, most prominently the database API inside of
Commented on CPAN modules for defining constants
Personally, as far as I'm concerned a constant is only a true constant if the compiler can take advantage and curry out code based on it. I'd suggest that anything for which this isn't true should just be considered a...
Posted Padre 0.94 makes big strides in day to day usability to Adam Kennedy
The march towards 1.0 continues for Padre, and the latest release represents a big step towards that goal.
Over the last couple of months there has been a huge focus on the core editor GUI features, and making sure they are all as glitch free as possible and high usable for day to day oper…
Commented on GCL Plans
That's nothing against your approach, just be mindful of the usability of changing layouts of other people's code....
Commented on GCL Plans
We end of lifed Wx::Perl::Dialog because it didn't work very well. It greatly limited the structure of the dialogs you can create, and in our version it also had fixed sizing (which sucked). I'm convinced that the wxFormBuilder method with...
Commented on Marpa::XS is now 1.000000
If it is supposed to work on Windows, then something isn't quite right. I think the initial problem is you haven't listed ExtUtils::PkgConfig as a dependency (needs to be a configure_requires one)...
Commented on Marpa::XS is now 1.000000
The big problem with using Marpa::XS is that anything useful I build on top of it will inherit the same platform limitations, and so will everything that uses my things as well, and so on recursively. That's quite a big...
Commented on use B::Stats to check for less bloat
One other possibility for optimisation (although I don't know how big...) is $^O. There's lots of code all over the core that does if ( $^O eq 'something' ) style things. Although this is treated as a variable and optimised...
Commented on use B::Stats to check for less bloat
I highly approve of your efforts to debloat the core!...
Posted Test::NoWarnings 1.04 - Immediate warnings with :early pragma to Adam Kennedy
One of the common gotchas with Test::NoWarnings is that the warnings are collected up and displayed in one go at the end of the script.
While this i…
Posted DBD::SQLite 1.35 released to Adam Kennedy
DBD::SQLite 1.35 has been released to the CPAN. If your mirror has not updated yet, you can install it via pip or cpanm from the following URL.
Normally the r…
Commented on Perl is not a multi-paradigm language
It sucks that the trend for Perl syntax is to be more like a language that is less used than ours is. :(...
Commented on The End Of 5.6 Is Nigh!
There will be trouble if you go past 5.8.3 as well, since that's the Oracle version last time I checked....
Posted Unexpected PITA progress to Adam Kennedy
Of all the Big Awesome Things I've tried to create over the years, PITA has been been one of the longest and most disappointing.
Conceived as the logical extrapolation of Perl's testing framework development into the future, the basic idea is zero conf…
Posted DBD::SQLite 1.35 release planned for 22nd of November to Adam Kennedy
It's been a fairly quiet year for DBD::SQLite, but largely in a positive sense.
The release rate and delta of SQLite itself has been fairly tame, and in Perl land we've seen a significant reduction in the severity of bugs compared to 2010.
Because of the significance of DBD::SQLite…
Commented on Mo supports chained accessors
That seems like the kind of feature that justifies the eventual creation of M.pm...

Comment Threads
Ovid commented on
Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
Adam, no, I had completely forgotten that. Today, I've no idea what password I may have used for it. It's probably been years since I've committed to it.
BooK commented on
Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
Adam, I see that you already have a github account. Whenever you're ready to jump on the bandwagon and convert your SVN repository to Git, I'm willing to help.
I know you have everything in a giant SVN repository. It's possible to split it in whatever arrangement of individual Git repositories, while keeping the history correct (with names, emails, tags, possibly branches, etc). I've done it for all of my SVN repositories, and also from some more complex…
Ovid commented on
Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
Anonymous, no, that doesn't change the definition of \d: it matches any Unicode character with a numeric property.
Nova Patch commented on
Why I Didn't Submit A Patch
Note that
specifically matches characters with the UnicodeGeneral_Category
property valueDecimal_Number
), not everything with theNumber
value (a.k.a.N
), and nothing with theLetter_Number
value (a.k.a.Nl
) which you linked to. By the way, here's an example pull request (with tests) for when I fixed the same… -
quepadretanpadre commented on
Using Padre for the first time
i have version .94 that came with dwimperl
for windowswhen i have multiple files open, and i close
any one, padre closes altogether
it's very annoying, and pretty much renders padre
useless as far as i'm concerned.thank you for this website

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