Jesse Shy
- About: Perl pays for my travel addiction.
Recent Actions
Commented on Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
Correct. But if you read the title, it says, "Subject Verb Object notation" not Verb Subject Object. That is where the syntax comes in....
Commented on Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
Yes, Location is just a function masquarading as a method. I think I said as much in the reply above. The point of this article was to point out how you could get close to the style of programming that...
Commented on Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
Wallet is not a great example other than Wallet holds credits and anything doing the Wallet role can use this interface. The benefit of this is much more clear with Location is_in. $character, $ship, $item, etc.. all need to use...
Commented on Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
I think both or these are consistent with what I expect....
- Posted Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework to Jesse Shy
Commented on Roles, h'uh, what are they good for?
Hey Joel, First, I love Mojolicious and it's ecosystem, have used it at the 2.x and 6.x levels and hoping to use it on an upcoming project. Thanks. This is an interesting use of roles, this is "shared behavior" -...
Posted Roles, h'uh, what are they good for? to Jesse Shy
What is a role? Put simply, roles are a form of code reuse. Often, the term shared behavior is used. Roles are said to be consumed and the methods ( including attribute accessors ) are flattened into the consuming class.
One of the major benefits of roles is they attempt to solve …
Commented on In “Cede Your Soul”, an episode of a tv show called “Blindspot”...
JT, you know none of that was directed at you or your blog post. I erased the rest of this reply cause it got socio-political (and that would just be throwing incendiary granades on thermite). Yes, I am a party...
Commented on In “Cede Your Soul”, an episode of a tv show called “Blindspot”...
This is so ridiculously stupid. Python vs. Perl vs [insert language here]. And if seconds matter, the situation is not something a quick hack is going to fix. In that case I would reach for another tool that speaks all...
Commented on Net:: vs WWW:: vs WebService::
My $0.02; what would be nice is something that connects the module with OSI network protocol map. Net::Protocol::Application::DNS, Net::Protocol::Transport::TCP and even Net::Protocol::Application::HTTP::Github::API::JSON vs Net::Protocol::Application::HTTP::Github::API::XML or Net::Protocol::Transport::ZeroMQ::Twitter to use the example above. But it looks like authors chose to go the...
Posted MongoDB REST Interface to Jesse Shy
Looking at the list of REST Interfaces listed on Mongo's site, there isn't a Perl solution. Well this just won't stand. So after looking at the python program to see if I missed something about what this would entail, I hacked out this
Commented on Why Companies Turn Me Down For Contracts
The in the USA one kills me. I am a US Citizen, with a US bank account and US permanent address and I still have run into this. They should just think of me as a US remote worker permanently...
Posted Announcing Test::mongod to Jesse Shy
After having done a couple of projects with MongoDB and working on and off on a personal project, I found myself wanting something like Test::mysqld, but alas it did not exist on CPAN. So here it is Test::mongod. It's…
Commented on There Are Half A Million Perl Programmers In The World
Having been a system/network admin for many years, I can tell you there is a large crowd of people who use Perl on a regular basis and will never show up on blogs.perl.org, Perl Weekly, you will never see them...
Commented on blogs.perl.org security breach
I am happy with the way this was handled. In this case, the focus should be on how it was handled once discovered and how it was dealt with. I think these guys reacted well and have handled it professionally....
Commented on Tie::File don't while(<>)
@Gnustavo What? Not use strict and warnings, are you crazy? Yes, there are a couple of setup lines like that that I did not show. And you are correct on the sort, I changed this a little to protect the...
Posted Tie::File don't while(<>) to Jesse Shy
Consider the common case where you want to take a text file and walk it doing various operations such as stripping whitespace, looking for duplicates, sorting or other common operations. I was recently asked to work on a program where part of the process is 'cleaning' uploaded files before doing…
Commented on Wing Now Auto-Generates Restful Object Relationships
Excellent. I have been wanting to give Wing a flight since seeing at YAPC. Hoping to give it a try soon....
Commented on Announce Classmith.com
Thanks for the feedback. I one basic functionality item then I will do a TOUR/Features page. I wasn't sure how to handle this and I Mithaldu's suggestion sounds the easiest. Thanks for taking the time to comment....
Posted Announce Classmith.com to Jesse Shy
Ok, I took up JT's challenge to build something. Here is the MVP launch of classmith.com it only works on https right now so don't try 80. Mojolicious, DBIx Class (Candy) and a healthy dose of DateTime::Set and a couple of other DT modules with Bootstrap…
Posted Perl Success Story - Managing PHP apps with Perl to Jesse Shy
WebPub helps install and manage popular web apps. We currently are doing WordPress, Drupal, MODX and phpBB. While the web UI is in PHP (decided before I came onboard) the backend is all Perl.
Some of the major components being used are: Mojolicious, Moose, DBIx::Class and Gearman.
M… -
Posted YAPC::NA 2012 donate ticket to Jesse Shy
I will not be using my badge to the conference. Is there a place where I can put this in a 'needs' pot? To be used by someone who can make the conference, thanks.
Posted Asynchronous HTTP Requests Using Mojolicious to Jesse Shy
This is in response to this article, Asynchronous HTTP Requests in Perl Using AnyEvent - linked to from Perl Weekly. Particularly, this quote:
… -
Posted How not to use Moose to Jesse Shy
Maybe this is legitimate and I just don't know why, but I have seen the following in a couple of projects where I have taken over after the original programmer left:
use Moose;
has [qw/foo bar baz/], is => 'rw';
no Moose;
sub something {}
Commented on Archive::Tar::Wrapper vs. Archive::Tar
It was seeing Archive::Tar::Wrapper in dzil that led me to it. I have a tarball that has all the statics I need but, there are dynamic files that need written to the tarball for each install. So, I am injecting...
Posted Archive::Tar::Wrapper vs. Archive::Tar to Jesse Shy
If you don't know it, Archive::Tar is SLOW; it even says so. Running NYTProf recently on a project revealed that the major part of the program was taking a little more than 27 seconds to run and a little over 24 seconds of this was Archive::Tar reading the archive into memory. Since I did not…
Commented on Winobot, the IRC Bot You Can Party With
Not trying to start anything but, the arg about deps is getting old. With perlbrew, the version is no longer a valid argument and as for deps, what I here is that you want everything to be stuck on 5.8.8...
Commented on Perl is more viable for web development than ever!
Maybe someone should tell these guys: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/programming-language-learn-web-programming/ or even these guys to stop using CGI.pm in their examples http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-perlweb_revision/index.html What would be great (although I don’t think I would be the best person to do this ) is a “Why...
Posted Perl documentation is Awesome to Jesse Shy
After reading the blog here a couple of weeks ago about taking 10 minutes to look for the answer before asking your fellow dev, and several other things of late about the state of documentation and such, I wanted to take some time to say this: "Things can always be improved upon, but for the most…
Commented on The Ten Minute Thinking Rule
google-fu seems to be an elusive talent....

Comment Threads
JT Smith commented on
In “Cede Your Soul”, an episode of a tv show called “Blindspot”...
Depends on your perspective. An ovoid looks orbis if observed from the corpulent end.
BooK commented on
In “Cede Your Soul”, an episode of a tv show called “Blindspot”...
Does that mean you're a big endian?
JT Smith commented on
In “Cede Your Soul”, an episode of a tv show called “Blindspot”...
Damn it BooK! Why did you have to turn this dirty. =)
Aristotle commented on
Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
isn’t inheriting from anything then these are just functions masquerading as methods, obscured by the use of a special case of the arrow operator. Not sure what the big revelation is.If ECS is the actual revelation here, then that is a good thing to understand, but it’s also not a tool that can replace every application of OOP. It’s good for what it’s good for, and trying to use OOP for things where you really need ECS will be painful, but that doesn’t mean ECS is applicable everywhere OOP is. In fact it’s suited to a much smaller set of problems…
Aristotle commented on
Subject Verb Object notation; declarative Perl without the framework
But you haven’t shown any benefit of the language feature. The code examples you showed could just as well be written like this, and would mean and do the exact same thing:
Location::is_in( $character, $location ); Wallet::contains( $character, $credits ); Wallet::pay( $character, $amount ) } catch { …handle error, rollback credit deductions etc… } finally { print $character->credits; };
# ...
Wallet::debit( $character, $credits ); Wallet::credit( $other, $credits );So I guess the insight here boils down to “you don’t have…

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