JT Smith
- Website: www.plainblack.com/
- About: My little part in the greater Perl world.
Recent Actions
Commented on Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
Back in the saddle, eh?...
Commented on Smartmatch in 5.27.7
Here here. I've stated this many times before. It's always fallen on deaf ears....
Posted That moment when your auto-scaling, self-healing servers and... to JT Smith
That moment when your auto-scaling, self-healing servers and continuously integrated and continuously deployed codebase all start working together seamlessly and…
Commented on Adventure Series Part 3
I know what callbacks are, but you can you provide me with an example of what I might want to do with them? I'm not actually in charge of the design here. I'm leading my group through them making all...
- Posted Adventure Series Part 3 to JT Smith
Posted Perl Aventure Series Part 2 to JT Smith
A couple weeks ago we had our first meeting for the Perl Adventure Series. Despite a terrible ice storm we still had 3 new people turn out in addition to our regular cast of characters. I hope we…
Posted Perl Adventure Series to JT Smith
Last month I offered a bold proposal to my Perl Mongers group (MadMongers): Let’s create a video game from scratch as a learning exercise!
At MadMongers we give a talk every month on some area of Perl technology. However, we almost never…
Posted MadMongers (Madison Perl Mongers) to JT Smith
MadMongers (Madison Perl Mongers):
I have an idea for a year-long series of presentations for MadMongers. Come listen and share your thoughts.
[From my blog.]
Commented on Seeing the SQL in DBIx::Class
Thanks for the as_query recommendation Peter. I never knew that existed either. Saved me a lot of time today....
Commented on Tau Station Updates
I'd get rid of "text based". It's a dog, and it will kill you. If you must use something like that then say "web based". It has similar implications, but doesn't sound so old....
Commented on Tau Station Updates
The UI and the graphics are stunning. Nice work....
Commented on All Good Things
Thanks Dave! That means a lot. My current project is https://tabletop.events and I've already begun preliminary work on the next....
Posted All Good Things to JT Smith
Yesterday I announced the end of The Lacuna Expanse, the first massively multiplayer Perl-based web game.
Almost 7 years ago I started working on building my second video game ever, a project that would be known as The…
- Posted Pong in Perl 6 at MadMongers Tonight to JT Smith
Commented on Masking Images with Imager
I'm glad you found it useful....
Commented on Missing Smart Match
I only use smart match for "is-an-element-of". It would be amazing to have a built in operator for that specific case....
Posted Introducing SVG::Estimate to JT Smith
If you do anything with 2 dimensional CNC machines such as plotters, mills, or lasers, you’ve probably used some form of vector graphics. The most popular open source vector graphics type is called SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics. If you’re doing this professionally, you need to know how to…
Posted Missing Smart Match to JT Smith
I know that smart match is considered experimental at best and is likely going away at worst, but I hate that! In what world is:
if( grep $_ eq $scalar, @array ) { }
Better than this?
if( $scalar ~~ @array ) {…
Posted Complicated joins with DBIx::Class to JT Smith
DBIx::Class is a great way to hide database interactions in your Perl classes. However, something that you might find easy in normal DBI queries can seem hard in DBIx::Class, because you lack direct access to the SQL. Take for…
- Posted Wing Workshop at MadMongers Tonight to JT Smith
- Posted MadMongers is hosting Perl Potpourri on Tuesday to JT Smith
Posted Tabletop.Events at MadMongers to JT Smith
I'm going to go over a bunch of the technical challenges that I faced building the Tabletop.Events, as well as some that are still yet to come. If you want to see what it takes to build a massive new app from scratch, talk about how to build a business around an app, or just learn about some…
Posted Tabletop.Events Built On Perl to JT Smith
For the past year I’ve been working on putting a new business together that is built on top of Perl and AngularJS. The new business is called Tabletop.Events. It is a convention management platform for the hobby board game industry.
Posted Drones at MadMongers to JT Smith
Tonight we’re meeting at The Bodgery where Timm will show us all the crazy cool stuff he’s been doing with Perl and Quadcopters.
Commented on Perl 6 is written in... Perl 6
I have to admit that's pretty cool. I'm not usually one to get into the guts of Perl 5. But maybe I would if I'm ever convinced to get into Perl 6....
Posted Perl 6′s Killer App - Async to JT Smith
About a week ago I expressed my concerns about Perl 6′s future and people came out of the woodwork to tell me about all of Perl 6′s features, but didn’t really address what I was asking: What are the…
Commented on Christmas Came, Bah Humbug
@fmtyew.tk, I mostly don't disagree with what you said except for one thing. You're comparing Perl 5 to JavaScript. I have no intention of leaving Perl 5. But the point of this discussion is that Javacript seems to have more...
Commented on Christmas Came, Bah Humbug
Thanks for the comment Liz. The reasons you cite are good technical reasons, but they aren't business reasons. Business reasons to stick with Perl 5: Enertia: It works. It does what I want, the code is already written it it,...
Posted Christmas Came, Bah Humbug to JT Smith
Perl 6 is here and people in the Perl community seem to be excited, but I don’t understand why. Perl 6 is a bit sexier than Perl 5. It’s got quite a few whiz-bangs I’d like to use. However, I’m likely never going to use it, and I think the same is true for the other established businesses…
Posted Hack Retreat - woodar.dj to JT Smith
Hack Retreat - woodar.dj:
I did this a few years ago and it resulted in The Lacuna Expanse. I’m thinking I may be due for another one.
[From m…

Comment Threads
ronw commented on
Smartmatch in 5.27.7
I think that smart match tried to do too much. the use I had for it was "when" to allow for a more flexible "switch" construct than using a mix of "nswitch", "sswitch" and "rswitch" (and variations, as provided by various CPAN modules).
Things like "appearing as a value in an array", and other complexities, would be better accomplished by their own operators or functions.
Joel Berger commented on
Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
Look what you did to the poor man!
preaction commented on
Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
I tricked myself: I just wanted to write a JavaScript editor and read an OpenAPI spec and built a CRUD interface. By the time I realized what I was actually building, it was too late.
Wafles commented on
Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
Is MongoDB - Mango usable with Yancy?
And if it is, does a document or example exist of it's implementation? -
preaction commented on
Yancy - Mojolicious CMS - Version 1 released
MongoDB is not presently a backend for Yancy, no, but Yancy is designed to support document stores like MongoDB in the future (it's why I chose JSON Schema to define the data).
If someone were to make a Yancy::Backend::MongoDB (for the official driver) or a Yancy::Backend::Mango (for the Mango driver), I would gladly add it to the core distribution. There is a standard set of tests that all backends should pass, and I can help anyone who wants to write a backend to get their tests passing either via a Github Pull Request or via e-mail (doug@preaction.me) or via IRC on irc.perl.org #y…

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