Peter Rabbitson
- Website: search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/
- About: Musing on the pitfalls of the Swiss Army Chainsaw
Recent Actions
Commented on Perl 7 By Default
I implore everyone to read this post, made just days after the one I am replying to. Among other things, the author who was quite *literally* there, discusses the "success" of the Python3 transition....
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
> By your logic, anything run by a BDFL would be abandoned. The "B" in "BDFL" stands for benevolent. Neither Sawyer, nor you Todd, exhibit this quality....
Commented on Perl 5 development has moved to Github
> ...the current discussion of Perl development is fragmented more by the move. * Create a separate github user ( the same type various Moose factions use for sync of non-github repos and gh mirrors ) * Make them a...
Commented on DBD::Oracle Trial release.
> as Dean notes it's of little practical consequence, but best to do things properly. I don't want to publicize it too much, but https://travis-ci.org/Perl5/DBIx-Class/jobs/390708515#L441-L462 ( DBIC is not the only user afaik )...
Commented on DBD::Oracle Trial release.
@kd Great stuff! And great seeing @mjevans around here as well! Minor nit: your choice of lower-than-latest-dev release version is somewhat suboptimal. A surprisingly large amount of pre-smokers operate over the moral equivalent of: `cpanm --look --dev DBD::Oracle` As you...
Commented on Alternatives to rand()
Thanks for the explanation. I did not realize the difference in speed can be that wide: I thought all of the kernel-side PRNGs are at around 20MiB/s which was in line with most of your measurements....
Commented on Alternatives to rand()
What about actually reading from /dev/urandom when it is available? Shouldn't it theoretically beat all of the above both in terms of quality and speed?...
Commented on Seeing the SQL in DBIx::Class
That's... a rather round-about way to check what a SELECT would look like. Why not simply reify it into SQL right there? P.S. Currently this works for reads only - there is no equivalent reifier for write operations....
Commented on Perl 5 Porters Mailing List Summary: June 16th-21st
> Coro has been using internal interfaces which were subject to change and indeed changed. Even though some people advertised that those internal interfaces in perl core must change back in order for Coro to work, it is not true....
Commented on Test2/Test::Builder Update from the QAH
Just about a year ago I wrote down my thoughts on the Test::More situation. My position remains entirely unchanged: a codebase which until very recently contained gems like this is unfit for the unfathomably wide use Test::More enjoys. I continue...
Commented on On YAML and YAML::XS inconsistencies
Relevant old ticket (same issue at its core): https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=41463...
Posted #riba2016 ends - now what? to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
Several hours ago my unorthodox campaign came to an unsuccessful end. There has been a lot of feedback to ="https://blogs.perl.org/users/…
Commented on Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas
I think if I had seen this explanation... Arriving at this sort of clarity took me several years, left alone being able to put it into words. I feel in the end it's for the best, less tension on all...
Commented on Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas
Hello Larry! Thank you so much for your contribution. The campaign triggered due to an internal problem in the tilt system. The resolution is ongoing. Please read more here Sorry once again about this :( Cheers!...
Commented on Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas
Thank you for the kind words John! I was indeed really sad to see you pushed out of #catalyst some weeks ago. Can only echo your words re "hopefully things will continue" ;) Cheers!...
Commented on Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas
If you think you cannot find a job that will sponsor your time on important (OSS) modules, I think you're wrong. This is a nice thought but it conflicts head-on with my experience....
Commented on Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas
Does this mean you are completely leaving the Perl community As a contributor to CPAN libraries - yes. I might still end up doing things within App::, but other involvement would be contrary to "walking the walk". and will no...
Posted Suspending efforts on my #riba2016 crowdfunding campaign, looking forward to my own Xmas to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
( If you want the text below narrated instead - watch the video, there is also an alternative comment thread on…
Commented on Creating a registry of environment variables
Tangentially this is how I make sure that having some variable set won't prevent a test suite from passing: https://github.com/dbsrgits/dbix-class/blob/5241250/maint/travis-ci_scripts/20_install.bash#L71-L102 And the result is: https://travis-ci.org/dbsrgits/dbix-class/jobs/79220308#L168 Cheers...
Commented on Add a LICENSE file to your distribution - it's easy!
Potential users please note - the library underlying the software-license executable is not as specific as it could be. See RT#105867 for more details. I am not outright saying "do not use App::Software::License", only "examine the output and see if...
Commented on CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I still maintain that "oh, changing the set of test tags beyond the current 4 is too hard" is a dead-end strategy. In order to remain relevant the cpantesters infrastructure must allow for extra test-type additions anyway - the current...
Commented on Next stable DBD::SQLite to be released in late October
Just a note for existing DBIx::Class users - the breakage in question concerns several improperly written tests. The actual runtime of DBIx::Class 0.08270 and older would not be affected by an SQLite upgrade. Thank you for the great work charsbar!...
Commented on CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I think a much more robust solution would be to introduce an extra "supertype" to the results. Currently we have PASS FAIL NA UNKNOWN, which can be relatively painlessly extended to REGULAR.PASS REGULAR.FAIL ... DEVREL.PASS DEVREL.FAIL... The "DEVREL" prefix will...
Commented on Encourage user participation via a single-line patch to your dist metadata
In the ticket you linked above you say (parahprased): It jars visually ... and it draws the attention, as if this is the most important piece of information on the page. I can not speak for the core metacpan team,...
Posted Encourage user participation via a single-line patch to your dist metadata to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
If you have been browsing MetaCPAN lately, you may have noticed a new shiny red
ballribbon on the left side of some distibution -
Posted How does <email>@cpan.org work? to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
In the recent year I notice more and more instances that mail to ribasushi@cpan.org is silently swallowed. I know this because I communicate with the senders through other channels, and I've even received forwards of copies of emails which as far as the sender is concerned are delivered. I am…
Commented on Urging users with good test suites to test-drive latest DBIx::Class trial
Joel, I have already executed tests of most CPAN distributions that depend on DBIC (Galileo included). I was specifically asking about folks with vast DarkPan test suites - the stuff that I have no access to for obvious reasons ;)...
Posted Urging users with good test suites to test-drive latest DBIx::Class trial to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
If you use DBIx::Class in a production setting and just happen to have a substantial test suite - this post is for you.
TL;DR: Recent development in DBIC required the introduction of a subsy…
Posted On the awesomeness of the Perl community v2 (201406) to Ribasushi's civility-free zone
Remember how I pointed out last year that the Perl community is *AWESOME*? Well, glad some things stay the same :)
This year I am part-time unemployed and was only plannin…
Commented on Why Companies Turn Me Down For Contracts
Money is a huge taboo subject. Break the ice and talk to your friends about it :) I am exceedingly curious what you meant by this last line. If the answer needs to be tailored and is not fit for...

Comment Threads
shadowcat_mdk commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
Okay there is no +1 on this platform, but this is my +1
shadowcat_mdk commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
it's usually the evolved state. Which is why structural criticism of form sees it as the parochial or abusive state.
It might be so.
However, assuming it to be the implied rather than the assumed (or default) is perhaps a misunderstanding.
the internal sarcasm here is those who wish to rebuild, to evolve, object the changes to the original form. Those who have built and maintained, object to the adherence of a constant, or common, universal state.
Honestly i think Gloucester would be looking sideways at flies, wanton boys and gods right now.
Dean commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
This venue seems as good as any to voice your support for the current "governance model", or your ideas for how it could be remodeled to better serve those few people and businesses still loyal to Perl.
So as a person who has toiled for a foundation that doesnt even extend membership too you, why not support opening TPF up to membership? Who in turn electing board members? Why not support a model that engages with the perl community and the few remaining businesses that rely on perl?
In 2020 aren't there better models for enagement than saying "join this email list and read …
lowjoe commented on
Alternatives to rand()
Math::Random::MTwist is now only available from Backpan. It disappeared without any notice.
Yuki Kimoto commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
I think the current Perl 7 plan is very heavy for the resources available to the Perl community.
Perl 7 will succeed if many people welcome it and everyone supports it.
However, I think the remaining users of Perl will remain because of the stability of that Perl.
If, in reality, the move to Perl 7 doesn't work, I think it's an opportunity to reconsider adopting "use v7".
I have a very similar thinking of Leon.

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