- Website: www.facebook.com/groups/perlprogrammers/
- About: I blog about Perl. I am now in California
Recent Actions
Commented on Resigning from the TPF and TPRF board
Thank you for all your great work. You have been a credit to the board and the community....
Posted Welcome new contributors with the first-timers-only tag to dean
I invite everyone involved in foss Perl projects to invest some time in being inclusive by creating and marking a few open issues/bugs with the label first-timers-only. The first-timers-only label explicitly announces:
I'm willing to hold your ha…
Commented on This week in PSC (106) | 2023-05-05
Please be cautious with phrases like "Installing modules securily". I believe that the goal is to be able to copy the tarball files via https. So whilst this is a very necessary step towards whatever "securily" is, it's not the...
Posted Early May Perl Software Releases 2023 to dean
This is not exhaustive at all and is based on github release notifications rather than MetaCPAN recent. If your perl project uses github releases please let me know so I subscribe to them. I also post them to
Commented on The Perl Toolchain Summit is back in 2023!
Why not post the sponsor prospectus publicly?...
Commented on Reconsidering the licensing of Perl code
My employers for the last 10+ years have had policies against AGPL, but most recently I have seen GPL moved from the "okay" list to the "must get approval" column. My current employer has the best license tracking I have...
Posted Hours left to donate to The Perl and Raku Foundation in the US 2022 tax yer to dean
There are still a few hours left to donate to The Perl Foundation in the US 2022 tax year. Please support the great work the foundation does to support Perl and Raku
Commented on An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
Thanks for the link Dragonflydigest https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2022/12/24/lazy-in-other-bsds-reading-for-end-of-2022/...
Commented on Skeleton Week: Nopaste with mojopaste
A few years on I have a few extra thoughts. Firstly, an internal pastebin for your company really is vital. Pasting from your work computer to a public pastebin is almost certainly a violation of employment non-disclosure agreement regardless of...
Commented on An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
I discussed these key weaknesses in legacy platforms previously: https://blogs.perl.org/users/dean/2021/04/reimagining-perl5-porters-email-list-for-2021-and-beyond.html People are more than welcome to maintain systems which allow search engines to index the content. Reddit does that and so does Stackoverflow. No platforms where listed above. It's unfortunate...
Posted An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms to dean
Perl has been around for a couple of years longer than Python and Linux. Perl 5 was released in 1993, the same year as FreeBSD and NetBSD.
In the 90's for Open Source projects the "community platforms" where Usenet newsgroups and mailing lists run on Listserv or Majordomo (Mailman didn't …
Commented on Return of Kephra
Where can we find Kephra ?...
Commented on Frankfurter Perl Workshop 2022 - 6.11.2022
Has any content from this even been posted online?...
Posted Buy a Perl 5.36 mug and support The Perl Foundation to dean
Mugs celebrating Perl 5.36 are now available at The Perl Store with all proceeds going to The Perl Foundation
Commented on TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
TPF doesnt own a camel logo, it only owns the Onion logo and as of the last few weeks the Camelia logo for Raku. https://dev.to/thibaultduponchelle/the-perl-complex-topic-of-logos-3161 https://neilb.org/2020/12/04/perl-and-camels.html https://www.perlfoundation.org/trademarks.html The Camel image on O'Reilly books is owned by them and they have...
Commented on TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
It is inspired by but not a derivative work of the perl 5 raptor logo https://github.com/kraih/perl-raptor...
Commented on TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
There is an Onion on the back...
Posted TPF launches merch store for Perl 5 to dean
TPF has launched an online store with Perl merchandise (swag) celebrating the Perl 5.36 release. The marketing committee plan to do a custom celebratory collection for each release of Perl with revenue from each sale goes to TPF's…
Commented on London Perl Workshop: Gold Sponsor cPanel
Folks might also want to check out https://www.facebook.com/LondonPerlWorkshop...
Commented on Please relicense from "Perl 5" to MIT or Apache 2.0 license
The assertion that "It isn't worth the (mostly unpaid) time" ignores the reasoning for an author writing and releasing the software in the first place. If the author releases the software hoping that supporting it will generate business (consulting, supporting,...
Commented on Please relicense from "Perl 5" to MIT or Apache 2.0 license
I would like to see the perl interpreter modernize it's license. I think the legal committee should embark upon that herculean task. Regarding company policies though. It is common for companies to have a list of permitted licenses whilst also...
Posted Please relicense from "Perl 5" to MIT or Apache 2.0 license to dean
Following from my previous post, I am now actively encouraging everyone to switch licenses to MIT/
Posted Ideas from TPRC2022: Bug/Task/Issue independent interface and a cli tool to dean
We have a Database Independent Interface aka DBI and a Unified Cache Handling Interface aka CHI which both provide a generalized interface to similar backend services. Similarly we have
Posted Ideas from TPRC2022: Tools to help refactor large mature code bases to dean
Every Perl gig I have ever had, and from most of the conversations I had at this years Perl and Raku Conference, was working on a large code based that is serving the business and it's customers very well such that the business is profitable (i.e. a mature code base).
This is an enviable …
Posted Debrief: Perl IDE Hackathon 2022 to dean
I had a great time hacking on the Perl Navigator and ="https://github.c…
Posted Trying to contact Francis van Dun (FVANDUN) to dean
I am trying to contact Francis van Dun (FVANDUN on cpan) for permission to relicense Net::DHCP to the MIT license.
The email listed on cpan bounces. If you are out there Francis ple…
Posted Perl IDE Hackathon 2022 to dean
On Tuesday 21st June there will be a Perl IDE Hackathon in the ="https://github.com/perlconference/tprc-2022-hou/wiki/Hackat…
Commented on Reconsidering the licensing of Perl code
I dropped this on to Software::License: https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Software-License/issues/81...
Posted Reconsidering the licensing of Perl code to dean
The current state: The Perl interpreter and most of CPAN are provided under the Artistic 1.0 license and the GPL1.0 license. The Artistic 1.0 license was written by Larry Wall and due to its problems Perl is simultaneously licensed under the GPL 1.0 License.
It is the de-facto standard t…
- Posted Early bird discount expires 30th April for The Perl and Raku Conf 2022 to dean

Comment Threads
Aristotle commented on
TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
The raptor is a Mojo creation.
Incorrect. All three logos in fact go back to remarks by Larry, including the velociraptor.
The earliest reference to the velociraptor by Larry that I can find is in Apocalpyse 12, where he only mentions it as a joke. Matt Trout later attributed to him a quote that “perl5 is a velociraptor. What we need now is an acceloraptor” (i.e. Perl 6 (at the time)) – though I am unable to substantiate this…
lichtkind commented on
Return of Kephra
on CPAN , thanks for question, we had a web page but not currently
Jakub Narebski commented on
An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
There is modern approach to the mailing list, namely the public-inbox software (the same that powers lore.kernel.org). With it you have both web interface and NNTP interface to the mailing list, and you can post using the other.
That avoids filling the inbox with unrelated discussion, adds access to the history, adds searchability and being indexed.
Still not for everybody, but in my opinion overall a better experience.
Mike B commented on
An objective criteria for deprecating community platforms
Fun fact: public-inbox is written in Perl!
Makoto Nozaki commented on
Resigning from the TPF and TPRF board
Hi Dean,
It's truly an honor to receive such kind words from you. Thank you!

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.