Lee J
- Website: leejo.github.io
Recent Actions
Commented on Replay/Debug/Test Cron Events With Cron::Sequencer
The times are UTC as all our servers (and thus crontabs) run in UTC....
Posted Replay/Debug/Test Cron Events With Cron::Sequencer to Lee J
Cross-posted from my own blog: Replay/Debug/Test Cron Events With Cron::Sequencer.
Commented on Are you using Cache::Memcached and its ->stats method?
I've considered that, it's been put into my "stuff I should do but probably won't have the time until next decade" list :)...
Commented on Are you using Cache::Memcached and its ->stats method?
Cache::Memcached::Fast doesn't have the ->stats method (as per the second paragraph). We use the ::Fast version for everything else....
Posted Are you using Cache::Memcached and its ->stats method? to Lee J
It's very slow if you have more than a few thousand keys in memcached. Not an unusual use case I think? I've got a fix here, which appears to DTRT: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=138133. Maybe? I didn't spend too long…
Commented on A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
I have no involvement or idea about any ongoing plan for keeping rt.cpan.org up - I only created this archive for my own purposes (as per the README) but have made it publically available as that seems like a useful...
Commented on Regarding the closure of rt.cpan
OK, I see you comments now (they were hidden away in the MT interface). I will address them on the original post....
Commented on Regarding the closure of rt.cpan
Regarding the comments on the static archive (having looked at the perlmonks thread) - I (the author) don't get to approve comments on BPO, that's down to the mods, so I haven't seen your comments. BPO is a shitshow, you...
Commented on A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
The missing bugs are those referenced after I did the first mass download and is explained by https://github.com/rt-cpan/rt-cpan.github.io/blob/master/bin/get_all_bugs.sh#L13 # I will be doing another update at the end of Feb to get those. The second issue is that I haven't...
Posted A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org to Lee J
I have created a static archive of rt.cpan.org - it is avaliable at https://rt-cpan.github.io/. This is now what will be the official static archive once rt.cpan.org is sunset.
The sta…
Commented on A Static Archive of use.perl.org
Sounds reasonable! I may spend some time over the holidays actually writing a build tool that can regenerate the static archive, that isn't linked into any particular framework, and then add some other tools/option that can generate the redirect mapping...
Commented on A Static Archive of use.perl.org
That would be a good idea. I could then create a custom 404 page to help navigation to old style URLs. Do you have contact details for Robert and Ask (PM on IRC)?...
Commented on Can't post a comment here -- dunno why
The session handling on bpo is somewhat buggy. Try signing out, clearing cookies for bpo, then try three times to login, then post your comment....
Posted A Static Archive of use.perl.org to Lee J
In my previous post I added a footnote that "use.perl.org is difficult to get info out of now, it's basically dead. A lot of content is lost". That turned out to be not entirely true, it…
Posted Some blogs.perl.org 10 Year Stats. to Lee J
blogs.perl.org recently turned 10 years old. I was curious about the level of traffic so grabbed all of the post URLs and meta information to create the lists below. These are accurate up until the posting of this post (excluding this post):
- Total Posts: 8,091 …
Commented on German Perl Workshop (GPW) 2019 videos online
Also many thanks to Julien Fiegehenn (SIMBABQUE) who also helped a lot with the recordings :)...
Commented on How to serve Static HTML file and CGI script in development environment
Hi Yuki, I haven't tested but it looks like the regexp would still allow arbitrary path traversal and execution if the $script_name were something like "/path/to/file.pl" or "../path/to/some/other/file.pl"....
Commented on How to serve Static HTML file and CGI script in development environment
Hi Yuki. This allows arbitrary OS command injection:;ifconfig;echo.cgi You probably want to emphasise that this script is absolutely *not* something that should be run in any public facing way....
Commented on Modern Perl CGI
Good points. I've added some more details to the CGI::Alternatives docs to include this: https://github.com/leejo/cgi-alternatives/commit/c3473c013a58b80fc841125cf07abc94d5981202 v0.16 on its way to CPAN (as always: PR welcome on this if the docs can be improved, updated, etc, please make suggestions)...
Commented on 1000th consecutive days releasing to CPAN
Yay! Congrats, and thanks for the several PRs you've made against my distributions over the past three years....
Posted Les Journées Perl / French Perl Workshop 2017 to Lee J
Nobody seems to have blogged about Les Journées Perl so I thought I would blog about Les Journées Perl. Or maybe I haven't been paying attention, or it passed by me in a state of crossing timezones?
I was travelling back from the UK office the weekend the workshop happened, so stopped by…
Commented on My Perl Toolchain Summit
Oh wait no, the original link isn't the shareable one - Flickr do this annoying thing where the shareable link redirects to the album. So if you then go paste the link of the album it's not valid as a...
Commented on My Perl Toolchain Summit
Try this one: https://www.flickr.com/gp/101485128@N06/Vg2k1E I added a couple more photos to the set, which may have caused the previous link to invalidate, or expire. Not sure, anyway that one should work....
Commented on The Perl Toolchain Summit 2017 + Perl Events Instagram Feed
Write a script to poll your Dropbox every 15 minutes and upload any new pictures to Instagram. Heh, it's tempting to do that but the key with Instagram is to have some level of curation and a relatively consistent style....
Commented on Madrid Perl Workshop 2017
Do you think anyone could contribute to the perl_events Instagram feed? See https://blogs.perl.org/users/lee_j/2017/05/the-perl-toolchain-summit-2017-perl-events-instagram-feed.html for more info...
Posted The Perl Toolchain Summit 2017 + Perl Events Instagram Feed to Lee J
I'm shortly going to drive back to Switzerland after attending the Perl Toolchain Summit in Lyon. I was mostly here on photo duties, but between taking photos did manage to file a bug against Time::HiRes, which seems to be down…
Commented on So I Guess I'm Back
Welcome back :) It seems you have issues on both RT and github. Might be worth using one of the RT to github issue scripts if you want to get them all in one place. No assumptions about which one...
Posted Emulating Just About Any RESTful JSON API to Lee J
At YAPC::EU 2016 I gave a talk on my approach to developing code against RESTful services. The talk starts out a little silly, but my aim was to show some of the frustrations that can arise when developing aforementioned code. My…
Commented on Easily clean up a team's remote git branches
With Ovid's permission i have added this to my git-tools repo on github: https://github.com/leejo/git-tools/commit/2eea65690f7ace95ccf1cc9aa514371f69f8500d...
Commented on Web development with Perl 5
The ORM is not your model, and you've tightly coupled yourself to your framework by calling the ORM from your conroller code. Abstract that away: https://github.com/leejo/battling_a_legacy_schema_with_dbic/blob/master/presentation.md#more-about-that-model...

Comment Threads
Martin McGrath commented on
A Static Archive of rt.cpan.org
Submitted a couple of comments which were held for moderation, I'll try with a different URL. Thanks for this, but is the closure definitely happening? See https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11125896
Ben Bullock commented on
Regarding the closure of rt.cpan
You can approve/disapprove comments on blogs.perl.org. I get lots of spam comments, or "asdfg" comments, you can easily remove them.
Ben Bullock commented on
Regarding the closure of rt.cpan
Has there actually been any effort to email people about this being closed? I think a lot of people don't even know about it. You can find lots of recent distributions on CPAN where the author says to report bugs at rt. For example, on the current most recent page of CPAN distributions,
Ben Bullock commented on
Regarding the closure of rt.cpan
It seems that it's not possible to log in there any more already, so they've already half-shut-down the whole thing.
darthed commented on
Are you using Cache::Memcached and its ->stats method?
Have you considered contributing your modified, faster stats() method to Cache::Memcached::Fast so that you can stop using Cache::Memcached entirely? Or does it rely on too much plumbing from other parts of Cache::Memcached to make that feasible?

About blogs.perl.org
blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.