There are 100 rooms available for YAPC::NA 2012 wishing to stay at the conference facilities. These rooms have all the comfort of a high-end hotel, for only $89 per night for a standard room or $105 for a deluxe room.
You can check in as early as June 10. You can check out no later than June 16.
You must register for these rooms no later than May 1, 2012. My guess is that they will sell out much faster than that.
NOTE: Dorm room accommodations will be made available soon for about half this price.
The guys running the 2012 Perl QA Hackathon have asked me to remind everyone that the hackathon is taking place March 30-April 1 in Paris. They're also in need of sponsors. If you can help, click the "donate" button at the top right corner of their site.
The last day of September was also my last day at Orange, after 5 years and 9 months working there as a sysadmin/sysdev. Because I was "the Perl guy" other there, my last message couldn't be a standard "it's been a pleasure working with you blah blah". Obviously, I had to send a Perl obfuscation.
As many of you have noticed and commented on, needs help and we're hoping this post might inspire some of you to volunteer time or creative suggestions.
Specifically, the blogging platform we're on has proved hard to maintain and while Dave Cross, Aaron Crane, SixApart and others have done great work on it, the tuits have run out.
You could check out the github repository, or perhaps offer help/suggestions on migrating to another blogging platform without losing information. Specific areas of attention that could use some help:
Prev/Next links on all blogs are needed (including on the front page)
SixApart, Dave and Aaron have done great work here and while it started out promising, it's still missing key features to make it a suitable replacement for the defunct
We'll be watching responses to this, so feel free to chime in. Let's make this a blog that people can be proud of.
The guys running the 2012 Perl QA Hackathon have asked me to remind everyone that the hackathon is taking place March 30-April 1 in Paris. They're also in need of sponsors. If you can help, click the "donate" button at the top right corner of their site.
Allright so there is a discussion in the community about the bitrot in Perl tutorials.
All the arguments I read here on this site, I told already at YAPC::EU in Riga and many other occasions. Its good if people are aware of problems. But I did not just talk. I write also a new one. And we are currently finishing part 4.
It will be (later version) named "learning programming with Perl". Its a bit of learning the basics but also learning good style (DRY, good variable names, strict, testing all the shebang but little by little and not all from the start). It also covers more than core Perl, reading configs, cgi/ microframeworks, network, the basice in all directions.
Yeah its still just in German bu you can help if you like also to translate it. I mean i recruited some parts of the german perlmongers for that job but you know how cats are.
Some of you might recall that I started the process of writing a book about some of the most used Perl modules/frameworks. The book is written in PseudoPod, it is available on GitHub, and its official webpage is at
Unfortunately I am not having much time lately. My job is to give classes at an University, and I do not teach Perl, so most of the time I am preparing classes, and not hacking.
I do not want to have this book project stopped. So, I would like to invite anyone that would like to contribute to write a section. You can look into the GitHub repository to see the sections that I have in my mind. If you would prefer another subject, let me know and I'll tell you if I am willing to include such a section in the book. Just let me know before starting to write. There are some guidelines written in the README file, that I would like to be respected.
The Google Code-in 2011 (GCI) will be starting shortly. This is the programme under which students aged between 13 and 17 years are encouraged to get involved in open source projects. The Perl Foundation would like Perl to be a part of this programme, bringing both short and long-term benefits to Perl and the students alike.
Many of you will have seen my previous post asking the Perl community for help in creating tasks for students. A few of you have subsequently added tasks to the ideas page. For this we are extremely grateful. Some of you may well be planning to add some tasks. We'll also be very grateful for these tasks.
It's almost time to submit our application. But for our application to be successful we really need to add more tasks. So I'm renewing my appeal for your help.
If you have been following the Perl blogosphere recently,
you may have noticed that it has been a bad few weeks
for Perl's use statement.
I have been
picking it apart
in this series,
and chromatic, on his blog,
recently pointed out a documentation issue.
Unlike chromatic, who focuses on user concerns,
I use Perl as a way to implement and to illustrate parsing.
Though, to be sure,
one of the points I try to make
is that the choice of parsing strategy
is ultimately very much a user concern.
I find
Perl's use statement
especially interesting because it is a good example of
a natural syntax that you would like to be easy to parse,
but which proves problematic with current parsing technology.
With a general BNF parser, like Marpa,
Perl's use statement is easy to parse.
But the use statement strains
Perl's parser LALR parse engine to the limits.
Indeed, as I will show next, even a bit beyond.
We’re having 5 simultaneous tracks at YAPC::NA 2012. The fifth track is for mini-workshops and hackathons. For example, brian d foy is considering running a workshop on how to publish to CPAN. ActiveState is considering running a workshop on using their Stackato platform. We’d love to see lots of others giving on-going mini-workshops and hands-on hackathons. If you need the space, we’ll make sure you have it.
after PSGI, CPAN has a lot of parts to build Web Application Framework.
It is easy making WAF yourself without uploaded WAF.
I think WAF uploaded on CPAN are just to provide a style.
Catalyst provides router system using method attribute. Web::Simple uses proto. Mojo provides WAF OO, Mojolicious::Lite provides some keyword for routing. Dancer provides many keywords. bla bla...
I didnt like any styles for my current project, but didnot want to make WAF from scratch.
So. now Im trying to use Dancer. I dont need full keywords. but "every feature is from keyword" style means Dancer looks like ::Util modules.
For example, you may use only the Dancer parts you need in this way.
I've moved Autodia and Maypole to github so that it's easier to share or hand over, and make the development more open and interactive.
Hopefully this means that if somebody wants to take the ball and run with it by taking over Maypole it should be pretty easy to handover, also I may be able to start giving people the ability to patch, or make pull requests to my autodia repo - I've been astonished at how smooth github makes this :)
I've been spending a lot of time writing Perl again, after ten years or so in management, and I'm throughly enjoying myself. I recently wanted a module to interface with a third party service, and was surprised to discover there wasn't already a CPAN module for it. My initial needs were very simple, so I decided this would be a good opportunity to find out the modern way to create a module for release to CPAN. This post is based on notes I took as I worked through this.
So, what's the modern way to do Makefile.PL? Tricky to find out, but I've seen a bunch of stuff about Dist::Zilla, and it seems to have a gazillion plugins. Right, Dist::Zilla (DZ) it is. Start off with the tutorial:
This is a map of the Lowell Center. The Lowell Center is one half of our meeting space for YAPC::NA 2012. Here you’ll find the registration desk, the main hall where we’ll hold the opening ceremonies, plenaries, and the lightening talks. In addition, the Lowell Center contains 100 hotel rooms if you choose to stay there.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to save this map now. We’ll provide you with one at the registration desk, and it will be posted on large billboards in the Lowell Center itself. contains information about App::TimeTracker, the easily extendable command line based time tracker we use a lot. You maybe remember App::TimeTracker from one of the talks I gave at YAPC::Europe 2011 in Riga (App-TimeTracker, Metaprogramming & Method Modifiers). It's a real nice app, give it a try if need a sane way to keep track of your working hours, and want to automate other boring administrative tasks in one go.
Read more about how I did the site, why I did it in the first place and why you should also set up websites for your projects either in my blog or in the (rather similar..) timetracker blog.
I don't know whether the advice "Don't feed the trolls" is the best one or not. But I find the _repeated_ occurrence of replying to these trolls threads on reddit or HN amusing.
Yes, amusing.
If a person get's into a fight with a drunk, it's amusing to watch it.
But sometimes it just feels awkward to watch even perl elders like chromatic, in the fight. A drunk is not going to be the epitome of rationality, so why _even_ bother ? These people are just simpletons, madly in love with mercury(an unusual language I might say!) or just a had a shitty day.